What is cat litter and what should you pay attention to when buying cat litter?

Pet News

Cat litter is a fine particle like sand that is highly absorbent and can absorb the cat's urine and mask the odor after the cat excretes. It is an indispensable item for raising cats. There are many varieties of cat litter, including tofu cat litter, crystal cat litter, bentonite cat litter, pine cat litter, etc. Their prices and effects are different, and poop scavengers can choose according to their personal needs.

What is cat litter? What should you pay attention to when purchasing cat litter? What aspects should we pay attention to?

▼What should we pay attention to when buying cat litter? Aspects

1. Water absorption

The most fundamental reason for using cat litter is to give cats a fixed place to defecate and collect these excrements together. It likes to bury its poop with sand after pooping, and cat litter is very suitable for it. The first factor in choosing cat litter is whether it has good water absorption and whether it can completely absorb cat urine. Cat litter with poor water absorption will not be able to cover up the odor of cats if it is used in large quantities.

2. Toxic and side effects

Cats are playful and greedy little pets. Even though they know that the litter box is for excretion, they are still interested in the litter box and will eat it from time to time. You may lick it a few times or even eat it, so when choosing cat litter, you should first understand what the raw materials of the product are and whether it will be toxic to cats if they accidentally eat it. At present, the more reliable ones are wood-based cat litter and tofu cat litter, which will not have any adverse effects on cats even if they are eaten. Crystal cat litter cannot be eaten by cats.

3. Dustiness

Not only do cats enter the litter box when excreting, some cats also like to stay in the litter box when sleeping and playing. There may be a unique smell there. Cats treat it as their own territory. If the cat stays in the litter box all the time, the cat's body will also be contaminated with cat litter. If the cat litter easily brings out dust, it will be contaminated by the cat's hair. The cat will run around and spread the dust to all parts of the home, which will also make the shovel The shit officer has a headache.

What is cat litter? What should you pay attention to when buying cat litter?

4. Environmental protection

Some cat litter can be flushed directly into the sewer through the toilet, such as tofu cat litter, which clumps quickly. Just remove the large pieces when cleaning every day.Flushing the cat's poop into the toilet together is the most convenient method of disposal. After all, many areas require garbage classification. Cat litter and poop need to be packed separately and thrown away, which adds new work to cat owners.