When using cat litter, many scavengers don’t pay attention to these three issues. No wonder the cat feels uncomfortable.

Pet News

Raising a cat is a very troublesome thing. In addition to paying attention to feeding the cat, you also need to pay attention to cleaning the cat. It is necessary to clean the cat, but compared with the cuteness of the cat, this trouble is very troublesome to the cat owner. It's nothing to say. Friends who have raised cats will definitely be familiar with cat litter. Cat litter is what cats use to bury their poop after they poop.

When using cat litter, many poop scrapers do not pay attention to these 3 question, no wonder the cat feels uncomfortable

Cat litter is a substance made of specific materials. Cat litter used by cats should be discarded in time. However, some cat litter can be dissolved in water, so it can be poured directly into the toilet and flushed away with water. . If the cat litter cannot be dissolved in water, take it to the trash can and throw it away. However, if you have flowers at home, don’t waste cat litter. It is a good fertilizer for growing flowers.

For many novice cat owners, they are not very clear about the use of cat litter. Now the editor will give you 3 issues to pay attention to when using cat litter.

1. Clean the cat litter every day

Cats will poop every day and need to use cat litter every day. At this time, cat owners should pay attention to cleaning the cat litter in time and make sure it is sticky. Cat poop litter litter. Otherwise, over time, the cat's excrement will accumulate in the cat litter, causing the cat litter to be very dirty, and it will also breed a lot of bacteria, which will affect the cat's health. Therefore, cat owners should remember to clean up the litter used by their cats in time to maintain hygiene.

2. Change the cat litter regularly

In addition to cleaning up the cat litter every day after the cat has used it, scavengers must also change the cat litter regularly at regular intervals. , because if the cat litter is not replaced in time, over time, it will produce odor or breed flying insects, and the cohesion of the cat litter will become very poor, and the cat's poop will stick to the cat litter box, which is very serious. Unhygienic.

Generally speaking, cat litter can be changed once a month, but some scavengers who are very hygienic will choose to change it every half a month. In fact, it doesn’t matter as long as you change the cat litter once a month or every half a month. If the cat litter gets dirty quickly, change it once every half month. If the cat litter is not very dirty, you can change it once a month. , the specifics still have to be judged based on the actual situation.

3. Choose good quality cat litter

Cat litter also has quality differences. If the cat owner’s financial conditions permit, it is still recommended to choose better quality cat litter for the cat. Because cat litter is very intimate with catsThings that come into contact with, and sometimes cats like to lie on the cat litter.

When using cat litter, many poop scrapers do not pay attention to these 3 points question, no wonder the cat feels uncomfortable

So, if you choose good quality cat litter, your cat will not only be more comfortable to use it, but it will also be healthier. There are many brands and varieties of cat litter on the market. If you are a novice and don’t understand the market, you can search for information online and choose to buy some cat litter with a good reputation. Generally, you will not go wrong.

Although cat litter is just something cats use to bury their poop, its use is also an issue that cat owners need to pay attention to. They should not only clean the cat litter on time, but also replace the cat litter regularly. Before purchasing When buying cat litter, the quality of the cat litter cannot be ignored.