Why Do Border Terriers Get Skin Disease? Five Reasons to Pay Attention to

Pet News

border terrier belongs to the smaller category in the terrier family, with a height of only about 25cm. Despite its small size, it has great abilities . When hunting with its owner, it can hunt foxes and even more difficult badgers, and can even go into dens to catch foxes and rabbits. But you know what? Such a capable border terrier is particularly prone to skin diseases. Today, the editor will give you a popular science about the five reasons why border terriers are prone to skin diseases and the corresponding prevention methods.

Why do border terriers get skin diseases? Five reasons Attention should be paid to

One: Infection with parasites

Parasites are one of the main causes of border terrier skin disease infection. When the owner takes the border terrier out for a walk, it is inevitable that he will come into contact with other dogs, as well as fleas, lice and other parasites. Playing in a lot of grass, these two reasons will make border terriers infected with parasites.

Prevention methods:

1) Restrain the border terrier not to run in dirty places, and clean up the dog a little after every time you go out;

2) Regularly do internal and external deworming prevention for border terriers. If border terriers have been infected with parasites, they need to take medicine under the guidance of a doctor.

Two: Lack of trace elements

Generally speaking, border terriers are not very picky eaters. Pay attention to balanced nutrition. Many border terriers suffer from skin diseases due to the lack of certain trace elements.

Prevention methods:

1) Eat more nutritious food, such as pet milk powder or better dog food;

2) Take some pet food Trace element tablets, but be sure to follow the dosage recommended by your doctor.

3: Infection with bacteria and fungi

Border terrier loves to play, likes to go to some narrow bushes or caves, so it is easy to scratch, this kind Under normal circumstances, there is a high probability of infection with bacteria and fungi. Once infected, it will cause border terrier skin diseases.

Prevention methods:

1) When going out for activities, do not Let the Border Terrier run around. If you find any trauma, you must clean the wound and apply medicine in time;

2) Pay more attention to the hygiene of the Border Terrier’s living environment and clean its living space regularly, so that it can reduceChances of bacterial and fungal infections.

Four: Frequent bathing

Bathing is to keep the Border Terrier clean, but frequent bathing will destroy the protective oil on the Border Terrier's skin , leading to dry skin, itching, decreased resistance, and even a series of skin diseases.

Prevention methods:

1) Avoid frequent bathing for border terriers, bathing 4-6 times a month in summer and 2-3 times a month in winter;< /p>

2) You can use a warm and damp towel to wipe the border terrier's hair, or use dry cleaning powder or foam dry cleaning agent.

Five: Moist skin

If the border terrier lives in a humid environment for a long time, it will also cause skin diseases such as eczema.

Prevention methods:

1) When going out in rainy days, the owner can put a raincoat on the border terrier, which can prevent the dog from getting wet;

2) Ensure To keep the border terrier's house dry, don't put the litter pad directly on the ground, especially the ground on the ground floor.

The above five points are the main causes of border terriers suffering from skin diseases. I hope that the owners can prevent them in advance so that border terriers can grow up healthily.