Why did I like it when a man dyed his hamster blue and was not convinced when he was reported for abuse?

Pet News

As more and more people keep pets, fancy operations on pets are becoming more frequent. It is no longer unusual to give a pet a double eyelid cut, a tattoo, etc.

In fact, veterinarian Xiao Ming feels that the original ecology is really good for them. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by a netizen below. It is really annoying.

A man dyed his hamster blue, and when he was reported for abuse he wasn't convinced: What's wrong with that because I just like it?

A Japanese netizen raised a hamster, and often uploaded some pictures of the hamster on his social software to express his love for it.

One day, he posted a few pictures of the process of dyeing a hamster blue. The hamster in the picture was helpless and covered in blue dye by its owner. After washing the dye, it was completely Turned into blue color. After he was done, he uploaded a video to show off the process, hoping to attract on-demand traffic.

When his operation attracted criticism from many netizens, he was particularly unconvinced and did not realize his mistake at all: What’s wrong with me just liking it? In the eyes of most people, although hamsters are just cheap pets, they cannot be played with like this. They are also alive.

Veterinarian Xiao Ming wants to say that he really cannot agree with this approach! The hamster's life is relatively fragile and cannot withstand such torture. This owner is mistreating it in disguise in the name of love.

A man dyed his hamster blue, and when he was reported for abuse, he’s still not convinced: I just like it, what’s wrong?

For this owner, veterinarian Xiao Ming feels that he does not really love pets, and he may not even understand the true meaning of love. Although pets are bought by their owners to kill time or escape loneliness, they are also lives, and any life is worthy of our respect and love.

I hope that when faced with someone abusing animals, everyone will not stand aside and speak out bravely, otherwise some people will only become more and more rampant. Veterinarian Xiao Ming sincerely hopes that such incidents will become less and less common, and also hopes that those people can understand the true meaning of life., don’t be an indifferent person.