A giant panda from Malaysia was mistreated after returning to China. The breeder beat her with a bamboo pole to urge her to get off work.

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After the two giant pandas living in Malaysia, Fengyi "Magnet" and Fuwa "Male", arrived in Malaysia, the Malaysian government gave them new names, Liangliang and Xingxing. They went to Malaysia in 2014 and started their stay. Life, in 2015, Xingxing and Liangliang gave birth to their first child, Nuannuan.

Nuan Nuan can be said to be on the verge of subversion in Malaysia. She has no worries about eating and drinking, and she is so white that she shines. She is very clean and her dad plays with Nuan Nuan all the time. In Malaysia, bamboo and The bamboo shoots are all peeled and can be fed directly to the mouth. My nanny takes them out at work and brings them back after work. My nanny coaxes Nuan Nuan when she doesn't want to get off work. He will never force Nuan Nuan to have sex with her. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't beat her or scold her, so the little princess Nuannuan was a group favorite in Malaysia. Tourists were not allowed to speak loudly when the pandas were sleeping, just for fear of disturbing our sleeping pandas. We always think about our giant pandas.

The giant panda from Malaysia was abused after returning to China. The keeper beat her with a bamboo pole to urge her to get off work

After Nuan Nuan returned to China, we all thought that Nuan Nuan was doing very well. We believed in our Chinese people and believed that they would take good care of Nuan Nuan. However, the Chinese people greatly disappointed me. Their breeders actually used Nuan Nuan was beaten with a bamboo pole to urge Nuan Nuan to get off work. Nuan Nuan was obviously still eating, but he was beating Nuan Nuan time and time again. Nuan Nuan must have been extremely frightened at the time. She was born in an environment full of love. How could she have ever experienced such abuse? , why force her to get off work in this way? Why can't she seduce or coax Nuan Nuan to get off work with small snacks? They are all animals with feelings. If you love them well, I believe that the animals will also treat them in the same way. Treat you the same way, please don’t embarrass our countrymen. What will the Malaysian dads and all the people who like Nuan Nuan think when they see our Chinese breeders treating Nuan Nuan like this? They will definitely feel sorry for Nuannuan.

The giant panda from Malaysia was abused after returning to China. The breeder beat her with a bamboo pole to urge her to get off work

Nuan Nuan Now Living in Ziqing Lake, NanjingAt the wildlife park, the keeper hit Nuan Nuan 22 times in total. When the keeper hit Nuan Nuan like a clown, he paused for a few seconds. A woman next to him smiled and said, "Why don't you hit me?" During the process of beating Nuannuan, the woman was laughing the whole time, smiling from ear to ear, gloating about her misfortune. I wanted to rush in front of her and teach her a lesson, and said, "Why don't you hit me?" Why don't you hit yourself? Ah, can the national treasure be beaten? Could you please be a human being?

When our fellow Malaysians see this video, what will they think? What will they say? Look at their voices. This is our national treasure. As our Chinese panda breeders, we don’t even love pandas. Then why do you go to the zoo to work? If you don’t love them, please don’t hurt them. Nuannuan has never been hurt since she was a child. Grievance, when we return to China, we cannot let her be wronged. We must love her more, let Nuan Nuan feel that the love in China is no less than the love in Malaysia, let Nuan Nuan know that everyone loves her, that knock Nuannuan people, I hope the zoo will pay attention and impose punishment.

Nuan Nuan’s living environment in China is very noisy. Compared with her life in Malaysia, it is completely different. People watching pandas in Malaysia never make any noise and are very well-educated. The Malaysian staff are standing by. Watching, if someone speaks loudly, he will be reminded and stopped in time. Our Chinese breeder beat Nuan Nuan with a bamboo pole in front of tourists, just because it was time to get off work, and the breeder wanted to get off work as soon as possible and did not want Nuan Nuan to delay him. Off work is really ridiculous

Any life is worth respecting. We have always called on other countries to treat our national treasures well, but there are still people in our country who fail to treat their national treasures well and respect them. Why should we question it? If others don’t treat the national treasure well, how can we ask others to do the same if we can’t do it ourselves? As a Chinese, I don’t ask you to bring glory to the country, but I just ask you not to embarrass the country. As a national treasure breeder, your words and deeds They all represent the zoo you are in, the city you are in, and the country you are in. I hope all zoos must keep their eyes open when looking for keepers. If you don’t know how to do it, you can learn, but you can’t do it without love. We need to find a caring person to raise them. Our little animals are like Grandpa Jiang and Grandpa Song in Korea, like the dads in Malaysia, and like Grandpa Tan and Dad Li in China... They are sincerely good to animals and good to pandas.