There is a cat in Guangdong who soaks his feet every day to cure athlete's foot. The reason turns out to be her boyfriend...

Pet Other

Recently, a little cat appeared in Guangdong
who "soaked its feet" in a self-heating hot pot.
It was not for health, but because of athlete's foot.
However, the cause of cat's athlete's foot It is also out of line,

It was infected by its shit shovel...

There is a cat in Guangdong who soaks her feet every day to cure athlete's foot, and the reason is actually It's my boyfriend...

A cat from netizen @小凯家
Cat feet are indeed the most on a kitten. The existence of change
It is a sharp weapon for vigorous back and forth, shuttling and climbing;
It is also a means of hunting silently and dormant, and a bold attack;
And for the majority of "Furuikong",< br/>The cat Jio is pink and soft,
you can see its claws and can be pinched,
it is the ultimate cute creature that is completely irresistible!
However, although cute things are cute, sometimes they also have some funny embarrassment - they stink!
The smell is so bad... not only makes people dizzy, but sometimes even the kitten himself can be so smelly that his brain goes blank.
Why does the master have stinky feet?
Wanwan is here to take you through it!
01 Causes of cat foot odor
“Sweaty feet” stink
Just like us humans who sweat too much will have sweat odor,
Cats who sweat too much can also cause odor. .
Unlike human sweat glands, which are distributed throughout the body,
cats’ sweat glands are concentrated on the pads of the cat’s feet.

When cats feel nervous or hot,

There is a cat in Guangdong who soaks his feet every day to cure athlete's foot. The reason is actually the boyfriend...

Sweat will Due to the excessive secretion of sweat glands on the feet,
the amount of perspiration increases, and the feet have thick hair,
if you are not careful, you will get a smelly foot.
The "sour smell" of fungal infection
The foot odor of some kittens is not simple,
It is a unique sour smell,
Humans also have this kind of sour smell,
/>And for peopleGenerally speaking,
This kind of sour odor is because the sweat glands of the feet have been in a closed environment for a long time.
The salt, glucose,
vitamins and amino acids secreted in the sweat provide nutrients for microorganisms
And create a mixture of fatty acids, which gives off a sour smell.
This is even worse for cats.
Cat feet have the most sweat glands.
Whether it is sweat secretion in the heat,
or carelessness. Failure to clean them up in time after stepping on them,
and a humid environment containing dirt
may lead to fungal infection of the feet,
resulting in a sour smell.
What’s more, redness, swelling, itching, hair loss, etc. may occur.
If the infection is not taken seriously, the consequences will be serious!
Step on shit, step on shit!
Some stupid kittens always accidentally step on their own poop when leaving or burying their poop after going to the toilet.

Even if the poop itself may be wiped clean during subsequent actions,
the smell can easily remain on your feet for a long time.
If what you smell is the smell of shit,
Don’t think about it, it’s a technical mistake, a pure technical mistake!
Oral inflammation/disease causes foot odor
Cats suffering from oral inflammation or other diseases that cause bad breath
will leave saliva on their fur during the instinctive self-cleaning process.< br/>If you have bad breath at this time, the parts licked by it may become smelly, and cat feet are one of them.
So bad breath = smelly feet, there is a certain truth to it.
Interdigital inflammation, athlete's foot, etc. can cause foot odor
If cats' feet are infected with bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc.
It will be prone to foot diseases such as interdigital inflammation, athlete's foot, etc.
This can also cause your cat to have stinky feet.
Interdigital inflammation will also further affect the cat’s walking condition,
leading to redness, swelling, erosion, and severe pain.
Shovels should pay special attention!
Solutions to foot odor
When you smell a peculiar smell in your cat’s feet,
you must first check whether there are objective technical problems such as stepping on feces.
Don’t come up and If you think your cat has a serious illness,
you will scare yourself.
After eliminating factors such as stepping on feces and sweating feet,
the poop shovel officer must analyze the objective situation and confirm whether the problem lies in the health of the feet or something else.
parts of the body,
check the cat’s health status in a timely manner,
determine the disease conditions such as stomatitis and interdigital inflammation,
carry out targeted examination and treatment,
It can instantly and effectively control and relieve foot odor.