Can cats eat walnuts? Breeders need to know!

Pet Other

Cats are very cute, and there are many people who keep them. For some friends who love cats as "fate", as long as it is something that cats like to eat, Then they will be fed to them without restraint, but in fact there are many foods that cats cannot eat! Recently, some friends have asked me whether cats can eat walnuts. I will talk to you in detail below.

Cats cannot eat walnuts. The reasons are as follows:

1. Nut foods such as walnuts have potential toxins for cats and may cause cat poisoning, so nuts such as pecans and macadamia nuts are also Don’t give food to cats.

Can cats eat walnuts? Breeders need to know!

2. The fat content of walnuts is relatively high, which will increase the metabolic burden of cats and cause obesity. Moreover, walnut kernels are rich in oil and some trace elements, which are not good for cats’ internal organs, especially the liver, and can easily cause fatty liver.

3. If you are a younger cat, eating walnuts will easily get stuck in the throat, esophagus or digestive tract. In severe cases, it may even lead to suffocation, so the owner must pay attention to the daily intake of walnuts. Don't give walnuts to kittens that eat quickly.

Can cats eat walnuts? Breeders need to know!

In addition, if a cat accidentally eats walnuts, it needs to be observed to see if the cat develops any clinical symptoms. Symptoms such as depression, loss of appetite, cough, vomiting, etc. If so, you need to take the cat to the pet hospital for examination in time and let the doctor handle it according to the cat's condition.