Today’s popular science: What color do orange and blue cats give birth to?

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As we all know, different cat breeds have very different coat colors. Usually the coat color of British Shorthair blue cats is black and gray, and the coat color of British Shorthair orange cats is orange. So what color are the cats born from these two cats?

Today's popular science: What color are the births of orange cats and blue cats?

If the orange cat is a male cat and the blue cat is a female Cat, then the male cat born may be a blue cat, or it may be a black cat, and if it is a female cat, it may be a tortoiseshell color. If the orange cat is a female cat and the blue cat is a male cat, then the male cat born will be an orange cat and the female cat born will be tortoiseshell. If two cats have white, the tortoiseshell will show three flowers, and the male cat may be cow color or orange-white.

Today's popular science: What color do orange cats and blue cats give birth to?

In fact, the color of cats is like oil paint. Mix with each other to create new colors. Originally, the color of cats was very monotonous, just like civet cats, but as people began to keep pets, pets became a market, and people gradually paid attention to them and trained cats to look the way they wanted.