Don’t you know the meaning of a cat lying at its owner’s feet?

Pet Other

Nowadays, many people are raising cats at home. Friends who raise cats don’t know if they have noticed that many cats like to lie at the feet of their owners. Owners think that cats like to sleep on things, but this is not true. Let’s talk about the meaning of a cat lying at its owner’s feet.

Don't you know the meaning of a cat lying at its owner's feet?

Cats prefer to sleep at their owner's feet. This is a sign of dependence and trust on the owner. Cats have a relatively high body temperature, so they are more afraid of the cold, so they like to stay close to their owners to keep warm when sleeping in winter.

Don't you know the meaning of a cat lying at its owner's feet?

When a cat lies at its owner's feet, it means that the cat is very Trusting the owner and having a certain sense of dependence is a sign of liking the owner. The owner can also prepare soft cushions for the cat to prevent the cat from catching a cold. In addition, the cat will also do this behavior when it is bored to attract the owner's attention. The owner should spend more time with the cat and play with the cat.