What does it mean when a Ragdoll cat opens its face? Teach you how to choose a good-looking cat

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The whole body of the ragdoll cat is very loose and soft, like a soft Ragdoll. So do you know that Ragdoll cats need to open their faces? What does it mean for Ragdoll cats to open their faces? The editor will tell you in detail below.

What does it mean when a Ragdoll cat has an open face? Teach you how to choose a good-looking cat cat

A Ragdoll cat will grow up in just over a month. Open your face. The open face of a Ragdoll cat refers to starting from the forehead of the Ragdoll cat and extending to both sides of the nose. Whether the color distribution is straight and whether the hair color is even.

If a Ragdoll cat has a straight face and its hair color is even and symmetrical, then it can be considered a Ragdoll cat with good appearance.

What does it mean when a Ragdoll cat has an open face? Teach you how to choose a good-looking cat cat

What determines the appearance of a Ragdoll cat? It’s not just about the cat’s face, but also whether the size of the head is reasonable, whether the coat is smooth and shiny, whether the limbs and body are strong, etc.