I took Teddy back to the countryside and let my parents raise it. When I came home half a year later, I suspected that I had raised a fake Teddy.

Pet Other

The times are developing and society is progressing. With the improvement of people's living standards, some of people's living needs have also changed. Many people have pets in their homes, and keeping pets has become a trend in people's lives. . In some communities or in stores, you can see pets of all kinds. Most of the ones we see are dogs. This is also related to people’s current habits. Dog walking has also become a Things that are essential every day.

I took the Teddy back to the countryside and let my parents raise it. When I came home half a year later, I suspected that I had raised a fake Teddy.

Among dogs, the most common one is Teddy. Teddy has won people's love because of its cute appearance and lively and intelligent personality. It is also small in size and sheds less hair. , which meets everyone’s needs for raising pets. Teddy is a kind of beauty dog. It has curly hair that also grows long, so people can dress them into various shapes. They are extremely cute. However, if the teddy's hair is not repaired after it grows, it will look very sloppy, and over time, it will not be clear what its original appearance looks like.

Only Teddy living in the city can maintain his cute appearance, because the poop-sweepers take them to the pet shop regularly for repairs, bathing, etc. But if you raise Teddy in the countryside, you don’t have to be so particular. Dogs raised in the countryside generally don’t take baths or have their hair cut, and they often stay outside. Therefore, the hair on their bodies will not only become knotted, but also It will look dirty, and Teddy will not look cute at all.

I took Teddy back to the countryside and let my parents raise it. When I came home six months later, I suspected that I had raised a fake Teddy.

The first pet owner raised a little teddy. When the pet owner was looking for a job after graduation, he raised this teddy and regarded it as his little friend, one person and one dog. They accompany each other and put a lot of affection into them. Therefore, the pet owner is also very kind to it. He keeps it well fed and drank, and regularly takes Teddy to trim its hair and bathe it.

I took the Teddy back to the countryside and let my parents raise it. When I came home half a year later, I suspected that I had raised a fake Teddy.

With Teddy, the pet owner is willing to spend money, and will also buy Teddy small clothes. Snacks, after all, are my closest companions. Working alone outside will make you feel better if you have Teddy by your side. However, for a period of time, I was very busy with work. I left early every morning and came back late every night. I couldn't take care of Teddy at all. So, the pet owner took Teddy back to his hometown in the countryside to let his pet My parents help raise her. The pet owner also specifically asked some precautions when raising Teddy, such as regular bathing and haircutting.

After the pet owner told his parents, the parents agreed wholeheartedly, and the pet owner was relieved, thinking that the parents must be reliable. However, half a year later, when the pet owner went home for the New Year, he almost didn’t recognize his little Teddy when he saw it again. Teddy's appearance has completely changed. His hair is tangled, his body is dirty, and he is still tied up outside. He looks like a golden lion king.

After the pet owner saw his Teddy, he had mixed emotions. He never expected that the dog his parents had raised for half a year would be raised from a cute and smart dog. It has become such a dirty dog-like dog that its original appearance is no longer recognizable at all.

I took the Teddy back to the countryside and let my parents raise it. When I came home half a year later, I suspected that I had raised a fake Teddy.

The most important thing is that this teddy didn't seem to recognize his pet owner after meeting him. Maybe it's because he was still young when he was sent back, or maybe it's because After what happened, this teddy would hide in its shabby nest in fear after seeing people.

Seeing this scene, the pet owner didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. The good Teddy has become like this, and it is so awesome that he has become a janitor. Dog, is this still a teddy? The pet owner expressed doubts about whether he had a fake Teddy.