The owner gave Erha an owl, but a tragedy happened a year later

Pet Other

What toys should I buy for my dog?

People who have pet dogs always have a lot of ideas. Some want to buy clothes for the dogs, and some want to buy various toys for the dogs. Of course, snacks are definitely indispensable.

Pet owners who have a dog wonder if it would be too boring for their furry child to stay at home by themselves every day. How about finding a "mate" for it? But most pet owners don't want to Raising a dog is too troublesome, not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also expensive.

The master gave Erha an owl, but a tragedy happened a year later

The master found an owl for Erha as a companion. But Gouzi was uneasy and kind-hearted.

A foreign pet owner raised a husky. The owner is a soft-hearted and sensitive person. He often considers the life of the dog. When Erha was three or four months old, I just wanted to find a partner for it.

Considering that Huskies are too naughty and always destroy things at home, the owner did not consider raising a dog, especially a dog like Erha, but the owner still brought an owl home.

Huskies regard owls as "prey".

After the owner placed the owl in front of Erha, he had a worrying problem, that is, the dog seemed very excited, always sniffing the owl, and seemed to want to eat. mean.

The owl is very calm in front of the dog, and even dares to grab food from Erha, but the dog is not very ambitious, and has to fight to the death with others every time.

Owl: All the feathers on my body have been bitten off by you.

A year later, the owl was really bald.

The husky is full of energy and plays with others every day, but the owl has limited energy, and several of its feathers have to be knocked off in every fight. Erha still enjoys it and eats the feathers. Go down.

The shoveler wanted to break up the fight, but he couldn't stop the husky at all.

Erha lived with the owl for a few months. The owner found that the dog had regarded the other as a friend, but the dog was not gentle or serious, and once even bit the owl's claws.

The owner gave Erha an owl, but a tragedy happened a year later

Erha: It's not because I'm afraid of being lonely that I treat you as a snack.

As time goes by, Erha has grown up, but the owl is still as big as before. Something even more distressing for the owner happened, and the owl's condition became worse and worse.

Master: Almost all the feathers on its body have fallen off.

The husky had nothing to do at home, so he came to find the owl. Although he couldn't beat the dog, the owl didn't run away. Of course, it couldn't fly now.

A year later, tragedy struck. The long feathers on the owl's wings had fallen out.

Owl used to like Owl because its feathers were beautiful, but it would open its wings every time it fought with Erha, and was bitten by dogs several times.

The owner felt that if things continued like this, the owl would be tortured to death by the dog sooner or later. In order to let the dog have a companion in the future, the poop officer separated the owl from Erha.

The owner only let Erha out when he missed the owl.

The owner gave an owl to Erha, and a year later it was tragic

The husky became gentle, and the owl's attitude also changed .

Perhaps the dog knows that he is wrong. When meeting an owl now, Erha will appear much gentler than in the past. He will not bite people or bite their claws when meeting them like before.

The owner is still a little worried, because once Erha is hungry, he might treat others as prey.

The husky now weighs almost 50 kilograms. Not to mention an owl, even ten of them may not be a match for the dog.

The owl no longer has the energy to fight with the husky.

I am old, and I have lost a lot of feathers on my body, so I don’t have much confidence in myself. Now the owl has no vitality, and it does not dare to conflict with Erha head-on.

When looking for a "friend" for your dog, you still need to think carefully. Dogs like huskies don't know how to show affection to their loved ones. It's best not to raise small animals such as hamsters, parrots, rabbits, etc., otherwise they will easily be mistaken for dogs. Eat the snack.