The golden retriever was abandoned by his owner. When he was adopted, he didn't say a word during the whole process. He silently huddled in the corner and shed tears.

Pet Other

In modern society, some people's life needs have also changed. Keeping pets has become a part of people's lives and a trend in current life. Many people have pets at home. Although there are many types of pets, the most common ones in our lives are dogs, and we often see people walking their dogs. Dogs are human beings' friends. They are loyal and spiritual, so they are naturally very popular with people. They have qualities that make people like them.

The golden retriever was abandoned by his owner. When he was adopted, he didn't say a word the whole time, silently huddled in the corner and shed tears

However, no matter how sensible and loyal dogs are, if they encounter people who don’t like dogs, they will face only one fate, and that is to be abandoned. Some people raise dogs on a whim, so if something happens, they will throw the dog away. Although dogs cannot speak, they actually understand everything. If their owner abandons them, they will be very sad.

Golden Retriever, I believe everyone knows it, is also a very popular dog at the moment. It has a docile personality and is loyal to people. It is called a warm man. But this golden retriever dog was abandoned by its owner not long ago. The dog has a deep affection for its owner. Naturally, it was sad for a long time when it got such a result. This golden retriever dog's behavior in the face of this situation is very heart-wrenching to watch.

The golden retriever was abandoned by his owner. When he was adopted, he didn’t say a word the whole time, silently huddled in the corner and shed tears.

The golden retriever was abandoned by his owner. When he was adopted, he didn't say a word the whole time, silently huddled in the corner and shed tears

This golden retriever has now been brought home by a kind-hearted person. There are already several dogs at home, all of which were adopted by this kind person. They are all dogs abandoned by their owners, and they have the same problem as the golden retriever. Fortunately, they met a kind person, otherwise the results waiting for them would be harsh.

It has been a while since some stray dogs at home were brought home by kind people. They are not so sad anymore, and the time when this golden retriever came hereIt hasn't lasted long, but it still can't be accepted in my heart. When a kind person brought the golden retriever, the dog didn't say a word the whole time. After arriving, it silently shrank in the corner. Even when the family dog ​​came to say hello to it, it ignored it and just looked at it. His back looked very lonely and dejected.

After seeing it, the kind-hearted person wanted to comfort it, so he walked next to the golden retriever. When the golden retriever saw someone coming, he finally turned around and took a look. The golden retriever's eyes were full of tears, and the fur next to his eyes was already wet. At this time, kind-hearted people realized that it turned out that the golden retriever was huddled in the corner and secretly wiping away tears. It seemed that it had not recovered from being abandoned by its owner. It felt very uncomfortable and did not want to cause trouble to others, so it just stayed silently. .

The golden retriever was abandoned by his owner. When he was adopted, he didn't say a word the whole time, silently huddled in the corner and shed tears

After seeing the performance of the golden retriever, everyone felt very distressed. It had no choice but to accept the result after being abandoned by its owner. It would not have any complaints against its owner, but It's just that I feel uncomfortable, and I swallow all my emotions in my stomach. Seeing him so well-behaved and sensible makes people feel even more distressed.

Although this golden retriever was abandoned by its owner, fortunately, it quickly met this kind man. At least it didn’t have to sleep in the open, and didn’t have to worry about any unknown dangers. It could do it every day Eat well. Moreover, there are some friends here with it, and with the company of kind-hearted people, I believe that the golden retriever will definitely get better.

For dogs, the owner is everything to them. If you don’t think about being responsible for them, I hope you don’t raise them casually. Since you have raised them, you must be responsible for them. .