The panda dumpling had so much fun that he didn’t want to go back to the cage, so his dad carried him away. His expression was so cute.

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Speaking of an animal that represents China, many people should be able to think of the particularly cute giant panda. Pandas are the treasures of our country because their numbers are extremely rare and they look extremely cute! They have big dark circles under their eyes, as if they can't get enough sleep no matter how much they sleep, and they are also very lazy. Sometimes they even have to lie on the ground to eat, and have to be fed by keepers. Therefore, some people who are particularly cute about pandas will think that pandas are really the cutest animals in the world! However, since animals cannot be fed privately, some people who particularly like them can only see them through the iron bars in the zoo, which is really a pity. The panda dumpling had so much fun that he didn't want to go back to the cage, so he was carried away by his nanny. His little expression was so cute.

Panda Tuanzi was having so much fun that he didn't want to go back to the cage, so he was carried away by his dad, his little expression was so cute

Giant pandas are actually very close animals. They are raised very docile, but they are just a little bigger. Sometimes when you see pandas in the zoo, They also interact with tourists. They are addicted to playing with tourists and refuse to leave. Once, when I went to the zoo to see pandas, the pandas were interacting with us tourists. When it was time to eat, the keeper wanted to ask it to leave. No matter how he called, the panda ignored him. He kept playing with us. Later, the keeper saw that he couldn't call the panda anymore, so he wanted to come over and take the panda away. As a result, when the panda saw the keeper chasing him, he ran as fast as he could, as if he was playing a game with the keeper!

Panda Tuanzi was having so much fun that he didn't want to go back to the cage, so he was carried away by his dad, his little expression was so cute

If you think pandas look fat and slow to move quickly, you are wrong! Although they look chubby, their movements are still very flexible. However, their final fate is of course to be carried away by the keeper. The pandas carried on the keeper's shoulders will not forget it before they leave. Talk to touristsThey waved as if saying goodbye to us. Watching it keep waving and smiling with its mouth open, it's like saying: "Goodbye, cat fans! Don't miss me too much!" Looking at the cute appearance of the giant panda, I really can't help but I want to steal one and take it home!

Panda Tuanzi was having so much fun that he didn't want to go back to the cage, so he was carried away by his dad, his little expression was so cute

The panda dumpling had so much fun that he didn’t want to go back to the cage, so he was carried away by his nanny. His little expression was so cute, and he really liked it. Do you like the giant panda, a particularly honest and honest animal? If you like them, you can't keep them. After all, pandas are so expensive and you don't have the conditions to keep them. So, just be honest and go to the zoo when you want to see them. Or there is another way, that is, you can take a certificate as a breeder who specializes in raising pandas, so that you can be with pandas every day. The panda dumpling had so much fun that he didn't want to go back to the cage, so he was carried away by his nanny. His little expression was so cute; what do you think?