Why does the cat's butt stink? Pay attention to these situations

Pet Other

Cats are amazing animals. They always take care of themselves, including their hair and anuses. Therefore, cats normally do not have strange smells, but there are not exceptions. So what’s going on with the smelly cat’s butt? What should I do if my cat’s butt stinks? Next, let’s take a look at the reasons why a cat’s butt stinks.

Why does the cat's butt stink? In these cases, Pay attention

1. Contaminated with feces

< p>If the cat’s hair is long, it will be easily contaminated with feces when pooping, causing it to smell bad. In this regard, it is recommended that the owner check whether the hair on the cat’s buttocks is stained with feces. If so, you can use pet-specific wet wipes to wipe and clean the cat after each defecation, and wipe the area around the anus that is easily contaminated with feces. Shave the hair cleanly so that the local odor of the cat can be reduced to a minimum.

2. Anal gland inflammation

If the owner does not clean the cat’s anal glands for a long time, resulting in inflammation of the anal glands, a foul odor will emit, and in severe cases, the cat will develop anal gland inflammation. Discharge, suppuration, etc. appear in the perianal area. If this is the case, you need to clean up the excess fluid in the cat's anal glands in time. If suppuration or infection occurs, you need to use relevant anti-infective drugs and pay attention to the cleaning of the cat's anus.

3. Diarrhea

If a cat has diarrhea, it is easy for some of its hair to be stained with feces and emit a foul odor. The owner can check the cat's feces. If it is really caused by diarrhea, the owner needs to find out the cause of the cat's diarrhea in time and then treat it symptomatically.

Why does the cat's butt stink? Pay attention to these situations

So, no matter how much you love a clean cat, Some problems also need our help to solve.