Why is the cat's tail trembling like an electric shock? Shit shovel officers should pay attention!

Pet Other

Cats are very interesting animals. Sometimes they lie there for a long time without moving, and sometimes they suddenly react inexplicably, such as their tails trembling as if they were electrocuted. So why does the cat's tail tremble like an electric shock? Why does a cat's tail tremble like an electric shock? Next, let’s take a look at the reasons why a cat’s tail trembles like an electric shock.

Why is the cat's tail trembling like an electric shock? Shit shovelers should pay attention !

1. Nervous and scared

If the cat’s tail trembles violently and makes a warning sound, it may be that the cat is suddenly frightened and its tail trembles due to nervousness and fear. At this time, the cat may attack at any time, so it is recommended that the owner should not approach it easily to avoid being accidentally injured.

2. Excitement

If the cat raises its tail high and trembles slightly, it may be a sign that the cat is very excited to see its favorite food or toys. At this time, it is recommended that the owner try not to disturb or scare it, and just let the cat play by itself.

3. In estrus

Most male cats will also have their tails tremble when they are in estrus and spray urine, which will also be accompanied by sticking out their buttocks, urinating, howling, etc. If a cat is found to have the above phenomena, it means that it may be in heat, and the owner can improve it through sterilization. At the same time, sterilization can also reduce the risk of the cat suffering from reproductive system diseases.

What's going on when a cat's tail trembles like an electric shock? Shit shovelers should pay attention!

In short, a cat's tail trembles like an electric shock, or You need to take good care of your cat’s emotions.