A boy in Guangxi was scratched by a dog. After the dog died, the boy also died.

Pet News

Recently, a piece of rabies news has attracted widespread attention. An 8-year-old boy in Guangxi was scratched by a dog and was not treated in time. Five days after the dog died, the boy Xiaojia contracted rabies. The attack eventually led to his death. Xiaojia was scratched on the back of his right hand by a puppy in the village in early March, but his family did not take any appropriate treatment at the time. That night, the puppy died.

Is rabies really so scary?

Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted to humans through the bite or saliva of an infected animal. If left untreated, rabies can be fatal.

In fact, this is somewhat similar to an aviation accident. The probability of it happening is very low, but once it happens, the consequences will be unimaginable. Of course, taking into account the proportion of accidents, flying is still one of the very safe ways to travel. Another point is that even if you are scratched or bitten by an animal, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Experts say that it is still safe to vaccinate within 3-5 days. If conditions permit, it is recommended to do it as soon as possible.

A boy in Guangxi was scratched by a dog. After the dog died, the boy also died

He was bitten by his own dog, easy Infected with rabies virus?

First of all, let’s talk about the conclusion. If you are bitten by your own dog, you will generally not be infected with rabies virus, because most families have raised their own dogs for a long time and have taken good health care. If your own rabies virus attacks, you will die soon. Under normal circumstances, dogs are regularly vaccinated against rabies, which is much safer. Therefore, if you are bitten by your own dog, there is a high probability that you will not be infected with rabies virus.

This is not necessarily the case if it is an unknown dog outside.

Can you be infected with rabies virus only if you are bitten by a dog?

Not only dog ​​bites, scratches, bites or saliva of other mammals may also transmit rabies virus to humans , including cats, foxes, raccoons, wolves, etc. Rabies virus can enter the human body through the saliva of infected animals. Once it enters the human body, the virus will enter the nervous system and cause rabies.

Guangxi boy was scratched by a dog, the boy died after the dog died

Therefore, if you are bitten, scratched or exposed to the saliva of any mammal, you may be infected with rabies virus

How to determine whether a dog has rabies

To determine whether a dog has rabies, you need to observe their behavior and symptoms and perform some tests.

Here are some indicators of whether a dog has rabies:

Observe your dog’s behavior: The rabies virus affects a dog’s nervous system, causing it to behave abnormally. Affected dogs may show symptoms such as aggression, excitability, unusual tiredness, or sluggishness.

Check the dog’s mouth: The rabies virus is found in the dog’s saliva. If your dog has cuts, sores, or breaks in his mouth, the risk of infection is higher.

Check your dog’s vaccination record: If your dog has been vaccinated against rabies, the risk of infection is greatly reduced.

Guangxi boy was scratched by a dog, and the boy died after the dog died

How often should rabies vaccination be administered

Rabies vaccine is one of the most effective ways to prevent rabies. Generally, after humans and animals are vaccinated against rabies, they need to be vaccinated according to a certain vaccination plan.

For people or animals that have not been vaccinated against rabies, three basic vaccinations are generally required, namely one on day 0, one on day 7 and one on day 21, so as to establish a foundation of immunity. After vaccination is completed, it is recommended to receive a rabies vaccine as a booster every year or every two years.

However, if there is a possibility of exposure to the rabies virus, such as being bitten by a dog or working or living in an area with a high incidence of rabies, it is recommended to get the rabies vaccine immediately after the exposure and follow the doctor's instructions after vaccination. plan.

Emergency treatment after animal injury

If bitten by a dog, in order to prevent the occurrence of rabies, the following are some emergency treatment measures:

Clean the wound: use Thoroughly flushing the bite area with running water or saline for at least 15 minutes can reduce the risk of viral infection.

Guangxi boy was scratched by a dog, the boy died after the dog died

Disinfect with disinfectant: Apply iodophor, alcohol and other disinfectants to the wound. The disinfection time should be long enough, at least 15 minutes.

Never wipe with your hands: Never wipe the wound with your hands to prevent the virus from entering the body.

Seek medical help: Go to the hospital or clinic as soon as possible, and a professional doctor will treat the wound and determine whether rabies vaccination and immune globulin are needed.

Confirm whether the dog is suffering from rabies: If it is bitten by an unknown dog such as a wild dog or stray dog, it is recommended to consult the local animal control department or veterinarian in time to determine whether the dog is suffering from rabies. If the dog is already suffering from rabies or is suspected to be sick, isolation measures should be taken promptly, and people and animals with which it has come into contact should be investigated and treated.

It should be noted that rabies is a fatal disease if not treated and prevented in time. Therefore, if you are bitten by a dog, it is important to take immediate action and seek medical attention promptly.