When my colleague turned an intersection, there was a dog. The surprise came too suddenly.

Pet News

Sometimes the bond between people and animals is just a look, a smile, and an instruction. There is no need for extraneous things.

A colleague encountered a stray dog ​​at 8:40 in the morning. It must be a stray dog. The dog does not have a collar and its hair does not appear to have been trimmed. A colleague met the dog at an intersection and did not feed the dog or say hello. It was like two strangers passing each other, but when the colleague came to the next intersection, she found the dog following her.

My colleague turned an intersection and there was a dog. This surprise came too suddenly

Follow me not too far away, and say I followed him at a distance, so I didn’t follow him, but wherever my colleague went, the dog followed him. Until the colleague arrived at the company...

At this time, the dog no longer had any worries. He followed the colleague to the company and lay on his feet, rubbing them affectionately as if he was acting coquettishly. At this time, no matter how much my colleagues thought about it, they felt that this dog was here to "touch porcelain."

She never had a dog at home. How could this dog follow her? My colleagues were completely puzzled. At this time, someone else said "dog laifu" and joked to her colleagues that she was going to get rich recently.

My colleague turned an intersection and there was a dog. This surprise came too suddenly

Just kidding, this dog Such a relative probably has an owner. A colleague observed and found that a few pieces of hair on the left side of the dog were missing, as if it had been cut off. Could it be that the dog recently went to the hospital for a physical examination, so this piece of hair was shaved off?

The numerous guesses turned into questions in the end, because the dog came with a colleague. So the dog ended up being taken care of by colleagues for the time being. Finally, if someone loses a dog near Qingdao North District, pay attention to see if it is your dog, and please come and claim it.