A stray cat with dull eyes and walked an unknown distance with difficulty

Pet News

Everyone has a different definition of pets. Perhaps for some people, pets are one of the most important members of their lives. Although they may only be a very small part of their lives, this will not affect their love for them and their love for them at all. status in one's own mind. However, for other people, they may just be their whim playthings. When they still like them, they are an indispensable part of their lives, but once they get tired of them, they are worthless...

It is precisely because of everyone’s different attitudes towards them that the fate of these pets will be very different in the future. But no matter what, for most normal people, pets do not exist to cause harm. But unlike pets, although stray animals may not be essentially different from pets, for most people, the status of stray animals is far lower than those pets that are loved and cared for by people. . Although many people know that many stray animals may have been valuable pets before they became homeless...

The stray cat with dull eyes has walked an unknown distance with difficulty

What is even more unfortunate is that as more and more people keep pets today, the number of people who keep them on a whim is also growing at an alarming rate. For many people, pets are just toys that they take home on a whim because they think they are cute when they are young. But what they don't know is that these playthings in their eyes are also alive and they will grow up. Moreover, many pets need careful care by the shit-sweepers. Once people fail to take good care of them, the cuteness and beauty they once had will disappear without a trace as time goes by and people ignore them...

And whenever this time comes, for some people The meaning of these pets also disappears. Therefore, a large number of pets have become homeless stray animals. As the number of stray animals increases rapidly, people's dissatisfaction will also accumulate when facing these stray animals. When more and more people find that their appearance has a negative impact on their normal lives, some harm will follow. Facing the harm caused by these people, the stray animals have no power to fight back and no one is willing to support them. In the end, they can only bear all the pain silently and even pay the price of their lives...

< p>There is a kind-hearted guy in Henan. Because he often rescues some stray animals, some kind-hearted people in the local areaWhen they find stray animals, they will also take the initiative to contact the little brother. On this day, this little brother once again received a message for help from a kind-hearted local netizen. Some netizens told me that there was a stray cat in front of a local express station that was in urgent need of people's help. Because the cat's condition was very bad, when netizens asked for help, they also hoped that he would rush to the scene as soon as possible.

When the little brother received this help message, he did not hesitate at all. He immediately rushed to the scene with his companions according to the position of the netizen. When the little brother arrived at the door of the courier station, he didn't even wait to check the condition of the stray cat. An elder brother on the side learned that the younger brother was going to save this stray cat. I couldn't help but tell some information about this stray cat. The eldest brother told the younger brother that this stray cat had been wandering nearby for a few days, but no one here knew why it appeared here or how far it had traveled when it came here. All they knew was that the stray cat had been wandering around for 2 or 3 days. And the cat appeared here because it took the initiative to seek help...

The stray cat with dull eyes has walked an unknown distance with difficulty

Although this information can be said to have no effect on this cat now, when the little brother approached the stray cat, picked up the dying cat, and looked at its dull eyes. The little brother can't help but feel sad about it. What worries me even more is that looking at the cat's lifeless eyes, he doesn't know whether the money he will spend on the cat will be able to save its life. After all, in the process of rescuing those stray animals, I saw too many situations where their lives were still not saved because they lost their desire for life and money was spent in the end. There is almost no difference between their eyes and the stray cat in front of them...

However, giving up on it directly was not my original intention. While feeling sorry for the cat's condition, I kept speculating about it. In addition to its past and previous encounters, the little brother decided to take it to the pet hospital first and let the pet doctor take a look at the cat's condition to see if he could be kept. However, after taking it to the pet hospital, the little brother still hesitated when the pet doctor prescribed more than 1,000 yuan for the examination alone. After all, the cat in front of me has lost any light. Spending such a high price on this cat may be the greatest harm to other stray animals rescued by my brother...

But, looking at I really can't bear to give up on such a cat. So, after much consideration, the little brother decided to do his best and biteGrit your teeth and do a simple test on the cat's condition first, and then provide preliminary treatment to the cat based on the test results, and then conduct follow-up treatment based on the situation. What surprised me was that when the symptoms of inflammation and anemia were detected in the cat, the treatment given to the cat with the mentality of giving it a try seemed to ignite the cat’s hope of continuing to live...

< p style="text-align:center">With dull eyes, A stray cat that had walked a long way

After two days of treatment, the cat's condition began to improve. So, in order to prevent the cat's light from extinguishing again, I thought about it for a long time and decided to take it to a better pet hospital for a more detailed examination, which would also give it a greater probability of survival. . However, the results of the examination after transfer were beyond my expectation. Because after this pet hospital checked the cat’s physical condition and suspected that the cat had feline transmission, it directly issued a critical illness notice!

Since all the indicators on the cat are abnormal, and the mineral indicators are extremely low, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to save the cat, and the pet hospital cannot ensure that the cat will survive in the future. The cost can have any effect on this cat. However, faced with such a choice, I resolutely chose to continue treatment. However, although making the decision is easy, the process of treating it is not. Due to the lack of effective drugs, I had to look for drugs related to cat abdominal transmission in every possible way. Fortunately, hard work paid off. After several searches and a lot of money, I successfully found a drug to treat feline transmission. However, this is all I can do for this stray cat. Can the cat survive? If it survives, it can only look at itself...