Limbs were broken, and young kittens were wantonly harmed because they had no owners.

Pet News

As we all know, there are huge differences between stray animals and pets. Because, in the eyes of most people, pets are very cute, and people can't help but want to take them home. Therefore, it is natural that they are favored by people, and that so many people are willing to spend a lot of money to raise them. In the eyes of most people, stray animals are basically associated with mess. In many cases, in addition to their own mess, many people are also worried that they will be infected with certain diseases if they come into contact with them, so they treat them badly. Keep a respectful distance, and some people even hurt them in every possible way...

My limbs were broken, and the young kitten was wantonly harmed because she had no owner

However, in essence, there is not much difference between pets and stray animals. In fact, many stray animals were once loved by some people before they were lost or abandoned. Pets are carefully cared for and taken care of by some people. However, when they lose their owners, they seem to have lost everything. Even if they have to rummage through trash cans to make a living in order to ensure their continued survival, some people will regard them as Their original sin...

But what many people don’t know is that for many stray animals, they are actually very eager to be recognized by humans again. They also long for an owner who loves them and a home that can protect them from wind and rain. Even, in order to return to humans, some of them that have experienced the suffering of wandering are far more well-behaved and sensible than those pets that are loved by people. But all of this is often because of their wandering status, they are not valued by people and are difficult to be accepted by people, even if "adopt instead of buying" has become a slogan passed down by people...

And What is even sadder is that although people are paying attention to the situation of stray animals, many people have also participated in the process of rescuing stray animals. However, in the face of a huge number of stray animals and many people who are unwilling to sterilize their pets in a timely and effective manner, behind the rescued stray animals, there are still a large number of stray animals that are difficult to find or pay attention to. We are still suffering all kinds of injuries every day. And such injuries are increasing with the increase in the number of stray animals...

The limbs are broken, and the young kitten is hurt wantonly because it has no owner

There is a kind-hearted brother in Hebei. On weekdays, this brother often rescues some stray animals in the local area. Because of this, in addition to some stray animals he finds on weekdays, In addition to animals, stray animals found by some local well-wishers will also take the initiative to contact the little brother, hoping that he can give them some help. On this day, the little brother once again received a message for help from a local netizen. The netizen He told me that he saw a kitten in a local green belt. According to the netizen who asked for help, when he found the kitten, there were several children playing with it.

Moreover, when asking for help, the caller also said that the kitten was in a bad condition. If no one came to take it away, the kitten might die soon. So, the person asking for help took the kitten back first. However, because the netizen did not have the prerequisites to raise a cat and had no intention of raising a cat, he hoped that the little brother could help take in and take care of this poor stray cat. Since the person asking for help sent the help message to me very late that night, and the cat was temporarily taken in, after receiving the message for help from netizens, I decided to let the netizens help take care of me first. The brother didn’t go to the netizen’s place until the next day, preparing to take the kitten away.

However, on the second day, the brother finished his work and prepared to go to the netizen’s house to pick up the kitten. It was already 7 pm when I saw the kitten. Because the time was relatively late, and netizens did not want to expose their privacy. Therefore, the little brother did not stay much after seeing the kitten, and just took the kitten with him. A kitten returned to his stray animal rescue base. However, on the way back, the kitten seemed to be very happy because it had a place to stay, which made the little brother feel a little relieved. , after preparing to take the cat back, he would carefully check the cat's condition.

However, what made me a little unexpected was that when he took the cat back to the stray animal rescue base, he was going to place it. When he was looking for a stray cat, he discovered that the kitten's two front legs were deformed, and the two hind legs were obviously broken artificially. The most serious left hind leg had been separated from flesh and blood. , with only a little bit of skin still attached... However, even so, the kitten did not show the slightest hostility. It only struggled a little when it was picked up by the little brother to check the injury...

The limbs were broken, and the young kitten was harmed wantonly because it had no owner

After checking the cat's condition, considering It was already late, and the pet hospitals were basically closed. I decided to feed the cat some food first, and then take it to the pet hospital to check the injury the next day to see if it could be cured. Later, after seeing the kitten gobbling up the chicken breast that the brother gave it, the brother felt a little relieved. At least for the kitten, the current situation would not endanger its life. .The next day, when the brother once again took the stray cat to a nearby stray cat for corresponding examination, the nearby pet hospital informed the brother that the local pet hospital was temporarily unable to deal with the kitten. The injury.

What is even more embarrassing for me is that just when I am thinking about how to deal with the injury of this kitten. There is a kitten that was once adopted in my stray animal rescue base. The stray cat was returned. The condition of the stray cat that was returned was even more critical. Not only could it not stand up, but it was also very difficult to eat. In desperation, the little brother could only put more cats into the house. Time is spent on that kitten. After saving the life of this kitten, we can then find a way to save the limbs of the other kitten...