A woman encounters a stray dog ​​and feeds Baozi out of kindness, only to find that the dog is running back in a hurry

Pet News

It has been said that more and more people are raising dogs, so will there be a corresponding decrease in stray dogs? However, the situation is just the opposite. As more people keep dogs, more people abandon them. I once read a report saying that private animal shelters are overwhelmed. One institution takes in about 1,600 stray dogs, but only more than 200 stray dogs are adopted in a year, and there are many stray dogs in a year. Dogs are sheltered. It can be said that there are many more stray dogs in shelters.

The woman encountered a stray dog ​​and kindly fed Baozi, but found that the dog was walking back in a hurry

One day, a man The woman came home from get off work and met a stray dog. The stray dog ​​was so skinny that obvious bones could be seen on both sides of its body. The woman couldn't bear to buy a bun for it on the roadside.

Unexpectedly, the stray dog ​​hurriedly walked back with the bun in its mouth, and the woman became curious. The dog must be very hungry, so why doesn’t he eat the buns when he gets them? So the woman quietly followed the stray dog ​​to see where it went. This stray dog's legs must have been injured and he was walking with a limp. When veterinarian Xiao Ming saw the picture for the first time, he couldn't help but feel sad.

There was a construction site not far from the roadside. I saw the dog walking around the guardrail and walking into a remote and narrow corner. Before the woman could get close to her, she heard the barking of several puppies. She quietly went over to take a closer look. It turned out that the stray dog ​​had brought the buns back for its children to eat. It turned out that the puppies were too young to eat them, so the stray dog ​​squatted in the corner to feed its children.

The woman encountered a stray dog ​​and kindly fed Baozi, but found that the dog was walking back in a hurry

This stray dog ​​is really It's too thin, and I still have to breastfeed the baby. I don't know how long it will last. Maybe one day the stray dogs will go out to look for food, and these puppies will be disposed of by the construction workers. Veterinarian Xiao Ming wants to say that you can choose not to keep dogs, but please don't abandon them after giving them a home.

Whether to neuter a dog has always been a controversial topic. The dog owner can decide whether to neuter the dog based on the actual situation of his dog. If you decide to have sterilization, surgeryFinally, the dog owner must be calmed down to prevent them from feeling depressed.