Are there parasites in cats? If you want to know, look here!

Pet News

Cats are very cute, they look very cute, and they have very good personalities. However, because they are animals after all, many people want to raise cats but also have many questions to know, such as whether cats have parasites. , anyone who is interested can take a look below!

Are there parasites in cats? If you want to know, look here!

There are parasites on cats. If the cat is not dewormed regularly or Infection by parasites from other animals can cause cats to be infected by parasites. Cats are generally colonized by external parasites.

Because cats have dense hair, it is a good place for fleas, mites and other external parasites to hide. If the cat cannot be kept clean and hygienic, it will be infected by parasites, which may seriously affect the cat's health.

Are there parasites in cats? If you want to know, look here!

When raising cats, breeders need to bathe them regularly to keep them healthy clean. At the same time, when feeding, you need to feed deworming medicine regularly to prevent the reproduction of parasites in cats.