There are usually two reasons why cats like to pounce on people!

Pet News

For many cat owners, it would be a joy if their cats behaved very warmly and intimately. However, sometimes cats like to pounce on people, which is a bit difficult for them to understand. So why do cats like to pounce on people? Why do cats like to pounce on people? Next, let’s take a look at what to do if a cat likes to pounce on people.

The reasons why cats like to attack people are usually these two!

1. Nature

Cats have a hunting nature. So when it is playing, it will regard anything that moves as prey. If someone passes by it at this time, it will pounce on it and then run away. In this case, the owner can usually prepare more toys for the cat, such as yarn balls, toy mice, etc., so that the cat can practice hunting. When it gets tired from playing, it will naturally lose the energy to pounce on people.

2. Revenge against the owner

Some cats are more vengeful. If the owner does something they don’t like, such as scolding it, punishing it, accidentally stepping on it, etc., it will They will have a vengeful mentality. Once they find an opportunity, they will pounce on people suddenly and even urinate on the owner's bed. If this is the case, the owner must not punish the cat. Instead, the owner needs to let the cat put down its guard against him. He can stroke the cat's chin and back, play with the cat more, and do not force the cat to do anything.

There are usually two reasons why cats like to pounce on people!

Does your cat like to pounce on you?