Why is the cat panting heavily? Pay attention to these 4 reasons and analyze them

Pet News

Have you ever seen a cat panting? For cats who don’t like to exercise and are not even happy to take a few steps, panting is rarely seen, so many poop collectors are worried about this. SoWhy is the cat panting? What should I do if my cat is panting? Next, let’s take a look at how to deal with a cat panting.

Why is the cat panting? Pay attention to these 4 reasons and analyze

1. The ambient temperature is too high

The cat’s Sweat glands are underdeveloped, and the main sweat glands are concentrated in the footpads and armpits. Therefore, when the ambient temperature is too high, people will gasp for breath and stick out their tongues to dissipate heat. This is normal. It is recommended that the owner move the cat to a cool and ventilated place to rest in time and give the cat an appropriate amount of water. Generally, the cat can return to normal after a moderate rest.

2. Vigorous exercise

After a cat undergoes strenuous exercise, the blood flow in the body accelerates, resulting in insufficient supply to the lungs, and the cat will pant heavily. This is a normal physiological phenomenon and will usually return to normal after a short rest.

3. Stress response

If a kitten has just arrived in a new environment, it may open its mouth and gasp due to nervousness, fear and other emotions. At the same time, it may There may also be a rapid heartbeat and an elevated body temperature. At this time, the owner should pay attention to comfort the cat and calm it down. This situation will be relieved after the cat adapts to the environment.

4. Cardiopulmonary disease

If the panting is not caused by high ambient temperature, strenuous exercise or stress, then you need to consider whether the cat has heart or lung disease. , because of the lack of oxygen, he gasped for more oxygen. At this time, it is recommended that the owner take the cat to the pet hospital for examination and treatment in time to avoid delaying the condition.

The cat is panting heavilywhat happened? These four reasons should be analyzed carefully

In short, when a cat is panting, we should pay attention to it, but we must analyze the specific problems in detail.