Do you know the main points of feeding the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog?

Pet News

Do you know the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog? In addition to its large size, particularly smooth hair and high energy, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is also a good dog that is not picky about food. But the owners can’t just feed the great swiss mountain dog casually just because they are not picky eaters. At present, the number of Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs in the world is very small, so the owners must ensure that they have sufficient nutrition every day and maintain a reasonable dietary structure, so that they can grow up healthily. The following editor will talk about the big Feeding tips for Swiss Mountain Dogs!

About the feeding points of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, you Do you know everything?

Young Great Swiss Mountain Dogs Key points for feeding

1. The intestinal digestion function of young Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs is not perfect, so the owner should choose foods that are easy to digest and palatable for the dogs.

2. Young Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs should pay attention to intake of rich minerals, essential minerals include calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, cobalt, potassium, sodium, chlorine, iodine, zinc, magnesium , manganese, sulfur, selenium, etc., which are essential substances for the composition of dog bones and teeth, but the proportion and content of minerals need to be strictly controlled, otherwise the dog's nutritional imbalance will be caused.

3. The daily feeding frequency of young Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs is maintained at about 3-4 meals, and the interval between each meal should be the same. Do not feed too much, small meals and frequent meals are the correct way to feed.

4. In order to ensure that the young Great Swiss Mountain Dog can drink water at any time, the owner should remember to keep clean drinking water, and it needs to be replaced regularly to ensure the cleanliness of the water.

Feeding points for adult Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs

1. Adult Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are healthy and strong, and their gastrointestinal digestion function is also very good, so the ration There is no need for additional treatment, but it still needs to be fed regularly and quantitatively, about 1-2 meals a day, and the amount of food is enough to ensure that the dog can eat 80% full.

2. In order to ensure the nutritional balance of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, the owner needs to adjust the type and quantity of food according to the dog's physical condition, so as to ensure that the dog's nutrition will not be lacking or excess.

3. When changing food for adult Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, you can follow the seven-day food change method, that is, gradually reduce the amount of original dog food within seven days, and increase the share of new dog food at the same time .

OlderKey points for feeding Swiss Mountain Dogs

1. Older Great Swiss Mountain Dogs often suffer from constipation due to decreased gastrointestinal function and less activity, so the owner can feed them some Fiber food strengthens intestinal peristalsis.

2. If the teeth of the elderly Great Swiss Mountain Dog are not very good, you can change the hard special dog food to softer dog food for feeding, or soak the dog food softly before eating.

3. Elderly Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs need more nutrition. You can usually feed them some foods with high protein content, as well as supplements such as calcium tablets and nutritional cream that are helpful for joints.

I believe that after mastering the feeding points of so many Great Swiss Mountain Dogs, the owners will be able to make their dogs develop healthy eating habits.