Erha sneaked away in the evening and killed several other people's chickens and ducks.

Pet News

Speaking of pets' escape ability, although Erha is not the most powerful, it definitely has the most escapes. As long as there is an opportunity, it will run away, whether it is an escape at home or a breakup when going out, Erha Ha can always successfully show his owner how precious freedom is, especially when going out. Men who exercise regularly can still catch up with them even if they try hard. But for's better to prepare to change dogs.

It is said that good things come to you when bad things come to you. On New Year's Day, the man wanted to stay at home and have a good rest for a few days. What he didn't expect was that his plan was interrupted by his own dog. Messy.

Erha sneaked away in the evening and killed several other people's chickens and ducks

Towards evening yesterday, the man suddenly discovered that the husky at home was missing. The man was speechless for a while. Considering that it was already dark and the time to escape was uncertain, he anxiously looked around for the man and had to come back. He decided to get up early the next day and look for him again. The result was unexpected. Yes, not long after he came back, a neighbor from the village came to his door with a husky and a few dead chickens and ducks. What should he do if he showed them?

Needless to say, looking at this situation, it was obvious that Erha was in trouble, and the man suddenly had a headache.

Erha sneaked away in the evening and killed several other people's chickens and ducks

What should I do? Naturally, the dog had to be compensated. After being taken over by the owner, the husky seemed to know that he was safe. He huddled next to the man and said nothing, appearing very well-behaved. It was obvious that he must have been frightened. The man looked at him with a wry smile. The dog could only keep apologizing, and after some discussion with the neighbor, he lost the money for the chickens and ducks. He said he was a little desperate, and planned to see how much it was worth in a few days, and then sell it to someone else. It was like selling the dog and paying for the chickens. .