Four techniques for training Basset dogs, as long as the method is correct, anyone can teach it!

Pet News

Did you watch the movie "Billion Dogs" when you were young? This movie tells the story of a Basset dog who has obtained a huge inheritance from its owner to pursue his love. The protagonist of our article today is this dog breed!

Basset dog came from France, and later spread in England, with a history of more than 100 years. Nowadays, there are many families who raise Basset dogs because they are docile, loyal and intelligent. However, if you want Basset dogs to quickly integrate into family life, you need to train them. Today, I will briefly share with you Four training techniques, I hope it will be useful to everyone.

Four techniques for training Basset dogs, as long as the method is correct, Anyone can teach it!

1. Basset dog handshake training

Bring the Basset dog in front of you, say "stretch your hand", and then pick up its front foot with one hand Shake it up and down gently, and praise it verbally. During this period, you can also stroke its throat or chest with the other hand, or give it some food as a reward. Repeat several times, and the dog can master it.

Second, the training of the Basset dog lying down

First, we prepare the snacks that the Basset dog likes to eat, and then put it near its nose Shake lightly, when it wants to eat, slowly move the food down, then it will lower its head with your hand, then press its back and say "lie down", wait until it lies down After that, we give it treats and verbal praise.

Third, the training of the Basset dog not moving

First let the Basset dog lie down, and hold it by hand to keep it still, Then say "don't move", and slowly take the hand away. When it can keep the motionless posture for more than ten seconds without pressing the hand, it can be regarded as a success. Pet it with verbal encouragement and a reward.

Fourth, Basset dog rolling training

After the Basset dog has learned the two actions of "lying down" and "not moving", it is very easy to order it to roll. First let it lie down, and then issue the command "roll", and while giving the command, hold its body and let it roll from side to side to express your meaning. In the early stage of training, you need to use your hands to help it do it a few more times. Later, you can use snacks to guide it to roll. Just put the snacks above its nose, arch your hands, and pass its body from the left to the right , so that it will roll 180 degrees with the snacks, remember to press and hold it and do it again, and you can encourage it with snacks and praise when you are done.

The above four training methods all require the owner to have enough patience. At the same time, when the Basset dog has completed the order you issued, you must be good at rewarding your dog with praise and food. will remember more deeply. I hope today's training skills can help you shit shovelers!