The summer pet lecture officially started, and the Basset dog course was presented first

Pet News

Big ears, short legs, looking at you wronged, guess an animal? Those two classmates who said they are Tutu and Dumbo, please go out, you have watched too many cartoons! This couldn't be more obvious, basset dog.

Other students, let’s continue the class. The Basset dog has ears that are bigger than the face, loose skin and short legs, plus its "wronged" expression, which really makes people like it. Because of this, Basset dogs have gradually shifted from hunting dogs to family companion dogs in recent years, and are chosen by more and more families.

The summer vacation pet lecture officially started, and the Basset dog course was first presented

However, the appearance of Basset dogs currently on the market Looking at it, it can be said that it is uneven. In order to let everyone choose an excellent Basset dog, the editor also specially collected some information for your reference.

The editor recommends that you go to a regular breeding kennel to choose, and don’t buy it if the price is too low, and don’t buy it from an unreliable small store. At present, the price of Basset dogs on the market fluctuates greatly, which is mainly affected by factors such as region, appearance, and bloodline. The price is generally around 2,000 to 3,000 yuan. In addition, if you want to choose a pedigree Basset dog, be sure to ask the merchant for a pedigree certificate and a letter of guarantee.

Second, "My Type My Show 666"

1. The head is large and well-proportioned. Viewed from the side, the snout and skull teeth The top line is straight and parallel, and the depression is more obvious;

2. The skin of the whole head is loose. When the head is lowered, there are obvious wrinkles on the forehead. If it is a dry head and tight skin, obviously unqualified;

3. The eyes are soft and sad, slightly sunken, with obvious haw; the eye color is brown, coffee color is the best, light-colored eyes and Consistent with the overall color of the dog is allowed, but not top grade;

4.Ears are set very far back on the head, at the base of the skull, and appear to be on the neck when at rest, and if set too high, are a serious fault; in addition, Basset ears are velvety soft and loose. Closed and overhanging, the bottom edge is slightly curled inward, so you can observe carefully when choosing.

Third, "Two steps for nothing"

The gait of the Basset dog is smooth, powerful and relaxed. When looking for things, it will keep its nose close to the ground. The correct gait should be that the front and rear legs are well coordinated; Note that the front legs cannot paddle, swing or cross gait, and the elbows must be close to the body. When choosing, let it take two steps first.

get out of class is over! About Basset dog information, I will share with you here, the two students who said Tutu and Dumbo, Come with me to the office and I will give you individual counseling.