How to deal with the bad stomach of Bedlington terrier? Masters, look over here

Pet News

The bedlington terrier originated in England in the 19th century. Its original name was Rose Bellington Terrier. Many people confuse this kind of dog with sheep when they first see it, but don’t look at it as cute, in fact, the Bedlington Terrier has a very fierce personality.

If you want to raise a Bedlington Terrier, in addition to considering the dog’s personality, whether the owner can take good care of it is also a test. The reason is that the Bedlington Terrier’s stomach is very sensitive. Symptoms of indigestion will occur. In this case, the owners can refer to the following practices.

Bedlington terrier stomach bad how to recuperate? Owners take a look Come here

1. Improve food quality

As the daily staple food of Bedlington Terriers, owners should not be greedy for cheap and low-quality dog ​​food. You can choose suitable food for your dog through the ingredient list. Conditional The owner can also buy some vegetables and fruits, which are good for the dog’s digestion, but it should be noted that onions, tomatoes, potato skins, grapes, walnuts, etc. are forbidden to eat.

2. Choose the correct feeding method

For Bedlington Terriers, owners should not change dog food frequently, which will affect the dog's health. Appetite is best determined in early childhood; the number of feedings per day should also be fixed, about 1-2 times, which is mainly determined according to the schedule of the owner and the dog.

3. Daily exercise

If the Bedlington Terrier has a bad stomach, it can also be improved through exercise. Dogs who exercise regularly not only help digest food, but also improve the dog's resistance. When the dog is in good health, its body function can slowly return to normal, but the exercise must be moderate, otherwise it will give The dog's body increases the burden.

4. Provide fresh drinking water

Some Bedlington Terriers have a bad stomach, which is caused by not drinking enough water. Under normal circumstances, an adult Bedlington Terrier needs about 100ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day. Insufficient water will easily cause the feces to be too dry and difficult to excrete. Therefore, the owner should frequently replace fresh drinking water for the dog every day.

5. Take probiotics

Crush the probiotics and mix them in dog food.Let the Bedlington Terrier eat the probiotic pills unconsciously. Generally, it is enough to feed the dog 2 to 3 times a week. This can promote the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients, and help the dog Improve gastrointestinal motility, relieve diarrhea, constipation and other problems.

6. Physician’s diagnosis and recuperation

In addition to the above 5 points, it is also necessary to give Bedlington Terriers some drugs to promote gastrointestinal motility , but before taking it, the owners must be diagnosed by a veterinarian before giving medicine to the dog; if the dog has a bad stomach and intestines due to small size and canine distemper, it needs to be checked in detail.

Okay, the editor will share here today, and I wish every Bedlington Terrier can grow up healthily!