Newcomer post! What should I do if my cat just comes to a new home and can’t hide?

Pet News

When we buy a kitten, we will find an interesting phenomenon. It is that the new cat keeps hiding in the house. No matter how much we do, it just keeps hiding. So what should we do if the new cat keeps hiding in the house? Today I will teach you.

Newbie post! What should I do if my cat just comes to a new home and can't come out?

It's normal for the cat to hide in the new home and can't come out. When they don't adapt to the new environment, they like to hide on the sofa, under the bed, etc., which makes them feel safer.

The owner must not stimulate the cat when it is hiding, such as forcibly grabbing the cat to come out, using a stick to poke the cat out, etc. The owner can put cat food and water for the cat in an open area, and wait for the cat to slowly adapt to the environment and come out to eat on its own.

New post! What should I do if my cat just comes to a new home and can't come out?

The owner should not call the cat loudly or scare it, wait until it adapts After that, it will slowly approach the owner. If the cat does not eat or drink for three days, you need to take the cat to the hospital for examination to prevent the cat from getting sick and dehydrated.