How to tell the difference between male and female kittens at two months old? Just need to master these few points

Pet News

Almost all adult cats can tell the difference between male and female, but do you know how to tell the difference between male and female in two-month-old kittens? In fact, you only need to master these few points. Friends who want to know can come and learn.

How to distinguish male and female kittens at two months old? Just need to master These points

Young cats can differentiate between male and female It's very difficult because newborn kittens don't have eggs, and it takes about three months for a male cat's eggs to grow slowly. And some cats will have cryptorchidism, that is, the eggs do not fall into the scrotum in the belly.

There are two holes under the cat’s tail. The upper one is the anus, which is the place for pooping, and the lower one is used for peeing and reproduction. To determine the gender of a cat, just look at the distance between these two points. The distance between the two holes of a male cat is relatively long, and the empty space in the middle is reserved for the balls, while the distance between the two holes of a female cat is very short.

How can two-month-old kittens differentiate between male and female? You only need to master these few points

Overall, male The place where cats pee is round. The PP of male cats looks like a colon with two dots above and below. The corresponding part of female cats is teardrop-shaped, and the "hole" is relatively long. Their PP looks like an inverted exclamation mark, with a dot on the top and a small vertical line on the bottom.