Will female cats become sleepy when pregnant? What scrappers need to know!

Pet News

Whether it is for us humans or for pets, the birth of a new life is something worth celebrating! However, recently many novice cat owners have asked the editor this question: Will female cats become drowsy during pregnancy? The editor still knows something about this, let us take a look at the answer.

Cats will become drowsy during pregnancy. Cats will start to like to sleep after they are pregnant. They always like to lie in a quiet, warm and bright place when they have nothing to do. Their sleeping posture is mostly lying down with their bodies stretched out.

Will female cats become sleepy during pregnancy? What cat owners need to know!

Cats have become lazy and seldom exercise, but For the health of the mother cat and fetus, owners should allow the cat to maintain appropriate and gentle exercise every day.

Do female cats become lethargic during pregnancy? What poop scrapers need to know!

During the cat's pregnancy, the owner also needs to give the cat supplements Appropriate vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients, and pay attention to the balance of nutrition to avoid affecting the development of the fetus.