The cat does the seaweed dance and flips over! The owner threw his phone angrily and burst into laughter

Pet News

Recently, the "seaweed dance" is very popular in the cat world, which is to lead cats to dance with a piece of background music. It is cute and funny. Basically all cat owners have seen it ~ but there is a small number of pet owners. I discovered that those cute and cute cats like Seaweed Dance on the Internet are all lies! The real situation is this...

The cat danced the seaweed dance and overturned! The owner threw the phone angrily and laughed~

(leading the cat The first attempt)

The owner’s british shorthair cat is called “San’er”. Because he wanted fans to feel the cuteness of the cat, he also filmed such a seaweed dance, and the result was the first The first attempt failed, so he tried a second time...

The cat danced the seaweed dance and overturned the car! The owner threw the phone angrily and laughed~

(Leading Maomao to the second try) Then the third time...

The cat danced the seaweed dance and overturned the car! The owner threw the phone angrily and laughed~

(Cat: This cat has a very bad temper, let me tell you!)

The owner was so angry that he dropped his cell phone in the end: Go to hell with the seaweed dance!

Hahahaha, cats are not cooperating at all~

The cat danced the seaweed dance and overturned the car! The owner threw the phone angrily and laughed~

(The master is so angry hahaHaha)

The cat danced the seaweed dance and rolled over! The owner threw the phone angrily and laughed~

(Cat: I will tell you last Get away from me again!)


Because cats have relatively independent living habits and are worry-free to take care of, more and more people are starting to raise cats, but cats are not free from bad habits. For example, this owner po It came out like this. The bag she just bought turned into this within a month...

The cat danced the seaweed dance and overturned the car! The owner threw the phone angrily and laughed~

Netizens guessed: Are you so rich? Are you so careless about a bag worth ten thousand yuan?

The owner was almost in tears: The cat scratched me, what can I do? I don’t dare to hit, but I love and love this kind of virtue. I raise a cat and let it bite me even if I kneel down... Hahahaha Cat: Don’t buy any more. I have new tasks every month. This cat is so tired!

The cat danced the seaweed dance and rolled over! The owner threw the phone angrily, and laughed~

Cat: I mustSquatting on the throne he grabbed!

Cat Fat Tiger is a stray cat adopted by netizen @Guoste. Because he has been wandering outside for a long time, he is hungry and has no one to take care of the cat’s teeth, so Fat Tiger’s The dental problem was so serious that after considering the opinions of the veterinarian, I had to have a full mouth of teeth extracted.

But fortunately, the cat can still eat wet food relatively normally after tooth extraction. It tastes delicious. Not only is it a very easy-to-satisfy little guy, it is also pampered and loved by its owner. It can be said that I am very lucky~

No, the owner recently took a set of pictures of the cat, recording the cat’s smile after losing its teeth. The first thing I felt after reading it was that I wanted to laugh. What follows? It's a little sad.

The cat danced the seaweed dance and rolled over! The owner threw the phone angrily and laughed~

Some netizens said that the cat has no teeth. Maomao smiles like her grandmother without dentures! Hahahaha, what an image~

All cat owners, please note that once a cat is over 3 years old, it is very easy to suffer from dental problems. In severe cases, the teeth can only be extracted like this cat. It is very painful for the cat, so you must take good care of it~

The cat overturns while doing the seaweed dance! The owner threw his phone angrily and burst into laughter~