They were supposed to be pets, but they could only cling to each other late at night and become dependent on each other.

Pet News

As an animal that accompanies people, pets fill the void in people's hearts to a great extent. Therefore, for many people, pets may not only be animals, but more often, they also play the role of family members. It is precisely because of this that some people feel extremely sad because their pets are lost. There are also some people who are extremely sad because their pets have passed away, and they dare not try to raise another one easily. Just a pet, just because they really don’t want to bear the pain of losing their beloved partner again...

They should be pets, but they can only stay in the middle of the night Snuggle each other and become dependent on each other

Netizens found a cage in the woods on the roadside Abandoned pet cats

However, as keeping pets became a fashion, due to Raising pets does not require too many barriers, especially for users who keep cats as pets. As long as people are willing, they can take home their favorite cats at will. Although cats do not have the same enthusiasm as dogs, after being cultivated and domesticated, various breeds of cats have surpassed dogs in terms of appearance, personality and other factors, and have become safer and more suitable for living in cities. Therefore, cats have successfully replaced dogs as the most popular pet species.

The six cats can only cling to each other to keep each other warm

However, as the number of people raising them increases, each cat owner has different purposes for raising them, and their qualities also vary. It’s different. In addition, many people also regard pets as a tool for profit-making. Various cat cafes, cat houses, cat restaurants and other pet-themed business places are vying to appear in people’s lives. Cats of various origins and breeds used to attract customers often become a burden to the operator due to the operator's ability and early preparations or subsequent care, feeding and other related issues.

They should be pets, but they can only cling to each other in the middle of the night and rely on each other

Six cats are very uneasy hiding in cages

But once these cats become a burden to people, they will not be able to bring much profit to people. They often become an outlet for some people's emotions. Moreover, it may require long-term economic, financial, and human effort. Some people tend to choose to throw it away in a simpler and more irresponsible way. And such abandonment is almost a fatal blow to those cats that have been carefully bred by people and have little ability to survive in the wild. Even if these cats are lucky enough to survive and become stray cats, they will eventually become destroyers of the surrounding environment, making others pay a greater price for these irresponsible behaviors...

In the cage The cats in Liaoning are all in good condition

There is a kind man in Liaoning who often rescues stray animals. Because he often rescues stray animals, over time, some people in the local area started to encounter those stray animals. I will also take the initiative to contact my brother from time to time. Late that night, I received a message for help from a local netizen. A netizen told me that he accidentally found a cage on the side of the road on his way back from work. Due to the poor visibility at night, the netizen heard the sounds of some cats when he found the cage, but who were these cats? What kind of status, netizens were not sure at first.

Ask someone to help me bring the cats to my car

It’s just that it’s so pitiful to hear the cats meowing, and I want to leave them alone in such a cold night You may encounter accidents at any time, so netizens who can't bear it should approach them with caution. But when netizens got closer, the sight of six Pet cats clinging to each other and keeping each other warm instantly became a burden that netizens could not bear. So, after learning that the little brother and his companions often rescued stray animals in the local area, the netizen hurriedly informed the little brother about the cats he found, and then waited for the little brother's arrival overnight.

They should be pets, but they can only cling to each other in the middle of the night and become dependent on each other

Cats are Put it in the trunk

After receiving the message for help from netizens, the little brother rushed to the scene overnight. After arriving at the scene, the younger brother was also shocked by the situation in front of him. Because, when the little brother comesWhen I came in front of these cats, I discovered that the cats in this cage were actually in very good condition. Based on the condition of these cats, the little brother couldn't help but have a very bad guess in his mind: "Could it be that all the cats here are... What disease did they get and lose their value, so they were ruthlessly abandoned?" Although he had doubts in his heart, but knowing that if he continued to stay, he might never get the answer, after a little inspection of these cats, It was decided immediately to send them to a pet hospital for a detailed examination to confirm the condition of these cats as soon as possible.

The little brother took the cat to the pet hospital

So, with the help of the helper, the little brother and his companions successfully brought all the pet cats in this cage with them. After getting in the car and saying goodbye to the kind-hearted netizens, they took the cats overnight to the pet hospital that often helps them. After arriving at the pet hospital, the pet doctor examined the cats individually. They found that although these cats were all breed cats and in good condition, their hair was messy and looked like they had not grown for a while. Was meticulously cared for.

They should be pets, but they can only cling to each other in the middle of the night and become dependent on each other

Pet Doctor They carefully checked the status of the cats

At the same time, in the subsequent test results, they also found that these 6 cats had varying degrees of nasal branching, caliceal herpes and other problems, one of which was the most severe. Severe cats can't even walk steadily...Based on these circumstances, my brother and his companions inferred from experience that these cats were probably pet cats that were abandoned after they lost their value. However, the little brother and his companions have no way of knowing the truth. However, the little brother is still willing to help these cats.

The cats are in cages

After confirming the treatment plan with the pet doctor and placing these 6 cats in the pet hospital, they slowly adapted to the environment in the pet hospital. , the cats were still very uneasy, and the little brother couldn't help but promise: "Don't worry, we will take care of you from now on, and we will treat you well!"