The cat was wrapped in rice bran powder. It was obviously trouble. It was only after understanding that I realized that I was helping it.

Pet News

All pet owners probably hate it most when someone abuses small animals. They do unknown things just because they are taller and stronger.

This story is about abuse, but it is not. If the pet owner hadn't come forward to explain, this misunderstanding might have lasted for a long time. After all, most people only want to believe what they see.

The cat was wrapped in rice bran powder. It was obviously something troublesome. After understanding it, I realized that I was helping it.

A kitten was placed in a basin filled with yellow powder. The cat was motionless and had no resistance. It was obvious that something big had happened. Gradually, its whole body was covered with yellow powder, and when it looked at it, it couldn't help but curse: Is this something done by humans? It’s too cruel!

The cat was wrapped in rice bran powder. It was obviously a trouble. After understanding it, I realized that I was helping it.

Many netizens complained about this scene, and the owner hurriedly came out to explain. If he didn't explain, he would be drowned in spittle. It turned out that this cat was a stray cat. When it was found by a kind person, it was stuck to the mouse sticky board and could not move. After getting to know it, I realized that they were helping it.

The cat was wrapped in rice bran powder. It was obviously a trouble. After understanding it, I realized that I was helping it.

So, kind people tried their best to help it remove the sticky mouse board. After hard work, the sticky mouse board was removed, but its body was still covered with glue. After consulting the veterinarian, rice bran powder was used to remove the glue from the cat's body. During the whole process, the cat showed reluctance, but could not move and could only accept it silently.

The cat was wrapped in rice bran powder. Wrapped in rice bran powder, it was obvious that something was wrong. After understanding it, I realized that I was helping it.

After the whole body was wrapped in rice bran powder, the glue was indeed After being eliminated, the cat became active again. This thing is quite magical. This experience of the cat star is also quite special. I guess I will never find another cat who has the same experience as him!

As the veterinarian Xiao Ming said, sometimes seeing is not necessarily believing. If the owner does not explain it in time, the keyboard warrior may really be very angry. Many people always hide on the Internet to make random comments. After all, there are evil people on the Internet. The cost of speaking evil is very low, because it often does great harm to people.

The incident of a certain celebrity’s surrogacy and abandonment caused a lot of noise, and many ugly words can be seen. Imagine if you saw How do you feel about those words? Will you suffer from depression because of this? In fact, everyone makes mistakes, but don’t make a conclusion so early before understanding the whole situation. It may not be the case.

Popular science by veterinarian Xiao Ming: How to deal with glue on cats?

It is recommended to use olive oil to clean, both edible and skin care types are acceptable. This method is the most effective. If there is no olive oil , you can also use baby oil to remove it.

Pour olive oil on the sticky area and rub it gently and repeatedly to reduce the stickiness of the glue. After the glue is completely softened, you can use a towel to wipe the hair continuously Repeat the operation several times until all the residue is removed.

In addition, if the glue on the cat is soft and a little sticky, you can try rubbing it with flour. After rubbing it several times, it can Remove the glue and finally wipe clean with a hot towel.