The lamb was eating grass behind its mother. There was an unknown object on its head. After seeing it clearly, it froze in place.

Pet News

There is a saying among young parents these days that if having a baby is not for fun, it would be meaningless. So I often see videos on the Internet of parents cheating on their children, which are pretty funny not to mention.

Of course, it’s not just humans who have a way of raising babies, now even animals are starting to trick babies. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by this netizen below.

The lamb was eating grass behind its mother, and there was an unknown object on its head. After seeing it clearly, it froze in place

The shit-sweeper raised some sheep at home, and usually let them out to roam freely. The lambs gradually grew up under the leadership of the ewe.

When the flock of sheep was let out again today, the lambs followed their mother obediently, fearing that they would be separated from the large group. However, one lamb may be more courageous. It's small, and it's closer to the mother sheep. Maybe it feels safer this way.

The lamb was eating grass behind its mother, and there was an unknown object on its head. After seeing it clearly, it froze in place

While the lamb was happily tasting the tender grass, there was an unknown object on its head. The top of its head suddenly became heavy. When it saw the object clearly, it suddenly stopped. He left the place where he was: the food was no longer fragrant.

It turned out that the unknown object was the feces excreted by the mother of the sheep, and it happened to fall on the head of the lamb. It is estimated that the lamb must have a shadow in his heart, and he no longer dares to eat grass behind his mother. .

Hahahahaha, for veterinarian Xiao Ming, the operation of the mother sheep is very satisfying, but for the lamb, this is a lifelong shame.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more open-minded. In the past, when people raised children, they would rush to comfort them whenever they saw them crying. But now many young people are thinking of ways to trick their children, just to see their children being fucked. Crying look.

The lamb was eating grass behind its mother, and there was an unknown object on its head. After seeing it clearly, it froze in place. In situ

But it’s a trap, but you must be careful when raising your baby. Especially some children, it’s best not to let them go Being alone at home can easily lead to danger. And parents should instill some safety awareness into their children when they are young, so that they do not eat or play randomly. During the Chinese New Year, parents should also keep an eye on their children, as some dangerous firecrackers It’s best not to give them toys to play with.

Veterinarian Xiao Ming’s popular science: The sound of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year may scare pets, so poop scavengers can take some measures to prevent pets from being scared.

You can buy some earplugs or ear protection items online to reduce the fear of noise to pets. In addition, when the sound of firecrackers affects pets and makes them scared, the poop scraper needs to comfort their hearts and can hold them. , or feed them some small snacks to divert their attention. The sound of firecrackers may scare pets and make them run around, so when taking your dog for a walk, be sure to fasten the leash to avoid getting lost.