The woman insisted on raising a cat, but after a while she regretted not letting her husband have access to the cat.

Pet News

As the saying goes, men don’t keep cats and women don’t keep dogs. In fact, the original intention is that fear of cats and dogs affects people’s character. However, now veterinarian Xiao Ming has discovered that this sentence has been spoiled and has even changed its flavor.

Let’s take a look at the short story shared by a netizen below. Veterinarian Xiao Ming thinks it is too true.

The woman insisted on raising a cat, but after a while she regretted it: Don't let her husband touch cats

This woman I have always wanted to get a cat, but my husband just doesn’t agree. He thinks cats not only shed a lot of hair, but also hear that the poop they poop is very smelly, so he strongly resists it.

But the woman saw that other people had cats, so she had to keep one, so she decided to kill it first and then buy it back. When the woman brought the cat back, her husband was reluctant at first, but things have become like this, so he can only make an agreement and say not to do the work of feeding the cat and scooping poop.

The woman insisted on raising a cat, but after a while she regretted it: Don't let her husband touch the cat

But when the next After some time, her husband changed, and the woman secretly regretted: Did she fall so quickly? It turns out that my husband has been getting along with the cat for some time. Seeing that the cat likes to sleep on his own bed, he even gave the bed to him and then made the floor himself.

Later, I had to hug it even when sleeping, and the cat gradually stopped kissing me. Instead, the woman was now isolated. It seemed that her family status was not guaranteed. The woman then realized: Qian Never let your husband touch cats.

The woman insisted on raising a cat, but after a while she regretted it: Don't let her husband touch cats

Hahahaha, Veterinarian Xiao Ming wants to say that no one can escape the law of true fragrance.Ah, do those people who said they would throw the cat to death still feel pain in their faces now?

In fact, veterinarian Xiao Ming thinks that it is a good idea for couples or couples to raise a pet together, which can promote their relationship. But at the same time, a question will arise. When the relationship between two people breaks down, where will the pet go?

Veterinarian Xiao Ming has seen the news several times before. After the relationship between the two parties broke down, the other party would take it out on the pet and do things to hurt the pet in revenge. Veterinarian Xiao Ming believes that pets are innocent, so don’t turn your resentment or anger onto them. Veterinarian Xiao Ming hopes that people who keep pets really like pets, not for any purpose.

Popular science from veterinarian Xiao Ming: Cats will lick their own hair to achieve a clean effect, but this will cause a problem. Over time, cats will swallow the dead hair they shed into their stomachs, which will subsequently affect It affects the cat's health and causes the cat to suffer from hairball syndrome. If a cat often vomits, the poop manager will need to consider whether the cat is suffering from hair ball syndrome.

In order to avoid this situation, the scavenger can buy a comb to comb the cat's hair. This will not only reduce the cat's hair loss, but also promote the relationship with the cat.