A woman took her adopted dog for a walk, but the stray dog ​​hugged Wang

Pet Other

Many people think that emotions are something unique to humans, but in fact, animals are also born with these emotions, and they are even more sincere and touching than humans! Just like the two dogs in the story below.

The woman took the adopted dog for a walk, but the stray dog ​​hugged her

This puppy was originally a stray The dog has been sleeping in the corners of the city with its mother. Fortunately, this little puppy was adopted by a kind-hearted woman. Under the woman's careful care, the dog became very beautiful and looked nothing like a stray dog.

The woman took the adopted dog for a walk, but the stray dog ​​hugged Wang

One day the woman took this dog When the adopted dog was out for a walk, when the woman passed by the place where she had picked up the dog, she saw a stray dog ​​rushing out. The stray dog ​​hugged Wang.

The woman took her adopted dog for a walk, but the stray dog ​​hugged Wang

The woman thought the stray dog ​​was going to bully her. Her own dog, but when she saw it clearly, tears came to her eyes. It turned out that this stray dog ​​was the mother of the puppy. The woman herself did not expect that the mother of the dog would remember her child.

The woman took her adopted dog for a walk, but the stray dog ​​hugged Wang

The puppy and its mother met on the street, and the scene of their reunion was very emotional. Especially the muddy mother dog, which was in sharp contrast to the clean puppy. And the dog The mother seemed very pleased to see that the child was well taken care of, and then left quietly.

Veterinarian Xiao Ming also had a very complicated mood when he saw this scene. Who said that dogs are just They know more about livestock than we think. We also hope that everyone can respect and understand them and not hurt them at will.