A donkey-headed wolf once appeared in Shennongjia, a species that has been extinct for 500,000 years.

Pet Story


A flash of dark hair cuts through the ravine, and Qianxun’s deep blue eyes reveal their eyes. The frost and the moon are whistling alone on the top of the clouds, and the snowy wind is traveling alone in the fields. Even if you are facing death, you can force tigers and leopards, and you are not afraid of bears if your life is in danger. Juxu was granted the rank of general, and he always hated being awarded the honor of being crowned a dog. ——"Xuan Lang"

When it comes to animals like wolves, most people may have the same impression of it as described in the poem. With green eyes, black fur, and sharp claws, it is majestic and dangerous at the same time. The characteristics of a wolf are obvious. However, it was once claimed that in addition to the wolf species we are familiar with, there was also a kind of "wolf" that appeared in Hubei.


"Donkey-headed wolf" once appeared in Shennongjia, which aroused widespread concern in the biological community at that time. As the name suggests, the donkey-headed wolf is a creature with the head of a donkey and the body of a wolf. Due to its strange appearance, it is called a monster by local residents. However, this monster has been extinct for 500,000 years.

In the long process of biological evolution, due to nature’s competition mechanism of survival of the fittest, and the ever-changing climate Problem, the footprints of countless species have been wiped out by the waves in the long river of history, and there are no traces of them anymore. 65 million years ago, a huge natural disaster came to the earth, which successively led to the extinction of countless species, leaving deep regrets for future generations. The donkey-headed wolf is one of the species that has suffered disasters. So how can a species that has been extinct for 500,000 years reappear again?


Some experts believe that the donkey-headed wolf that appears in the Shennongjia area may not be a real donkey-headed wolf, but an animal called "Shaguang". Because the two look similarThey are very close and have similar voices, so it is not surprising that they would be mistaken for each other. Although the donkey-headed wolf has been extinct for 500,000 years, Shaguang became extinct much earlier than the donkey-headed wolf! According to historical records, Shaguan disappeared from the corner of the world about two million years ago. If the donkey-headed wolf is really Shaguang, then how can we explain the appearance of a species that has been extinct for 2 million years in the Shennongjia forest area in Hubei?< /span>

This seems like a supernatural event, but some experts have given a relatively scientific explanation for it. . It turns out that due to Shennongjia's special climate changes and high altitude, the vegetation in the forest area is obviously vertical, creating its rich species diversity. From this point of view, it seems to make some sense that those creatures that seemed to have become extinct long ago in prehistory still exist.

But there are also experts There are different opinions on this kind of statement. Any population needs to reproduce, and the condition for reproduction is that there are at least one hundred individuals in the population. Although Shennongjia is rich in species, the living space is limited after all. Let’s not talk about how such rare creatures can exist in large numbers in a small forest area? These one hundred "sands" appeared there at the same time, so how could their footprints be vaguely glimpsed occasionally? The truth of the matter became confusing, and the discussion about the donkey-headed wolf continued. Until 2016, another theory spread in the biological community.


As we all know, Shennongjia is rich in "savages", and there are even rumors that some people have given birth to savages' children! But it turns out that some people who claim to have seen savages are actually driven by fear and curiosity. In dim light, they regard apes as humans. The appearance of the donkey-headed wolf actually has the same reason. There is a creature called "Sumen antelope" in Shennongjia, also known as a donkey. Its appearance is similar to a wolf to a certain extent, but its living habits are very different from those of wolves. Specifically, it is afraid of people and sometimes runs away when it sees traces of people. It is also very fast, often running far away before anyone can see its appearance clearly. The legendary donkey-headed wolf may be the Sumatran antelope that has been ignored by people.


About the existence of donkey-headed wolves, biological There are different opinions in academic circles and historians, and there are also differences in expert opinions. But it is worth noting that there are no "monsters" in this world, but only biological mysteries that have not yet been revealed by science.