After the dog trainer retired, the dog held the car door and refused to let him leave.

Pet Story

If one day you were suddenly separated from your long-term dog, would you be reluctant to let it go? Of course, the most heartbreaking thing is the scene of separation!

The search and rescue dog handler in this story has expired and left the team to change careers. He is faced with the separation from his dogs. How do they say goodbye properly?

For Lao Zhang, a search and rescue dog trainer, December 17 is a special day. Everyone knows that after a certain period of time in the army, you need to retire and change careers, and Lao Zhang ushered in this day.

After the dog trainer retired, the dog held the car door and refused to let him leave

Lao Zhang served for 7 years and was responsible for He is a domesticated search and rescue dog. He and the search and rescue dog "Sword" get along day and night, and they have a very good relationship. If there's anyone he can't bear to part with the most, it must be this dog. For the dog, Lao Zhang is like a relative, and it will definitely be inseparable when the time comes to say goodbye!

I saw Lao Zhang and the dog hugging each other, their faces full of reluctance. Although the dog was hugged tightly, Lao Zhang still held back tears and gave the dog to the new dog trainer. When Lao Zhang was sitting in the car and preparing to leave, the dog kept holding on to the car door and refused to leave. He couldn't help but shed tears: Don't go! do not go! But parting is necessary, and dogs must continue to serve the people as search and rescue dogs.

After the dog handler retired, the dog held the car door and refused to let him leave

When the car was about to drive out of the fire brigade , the dog took the opportunity to jump into the car and got into Lao Zhang's arms, unwilling to leave for a long time. After Lao Zhang successfully calmed down the dog, it still chased the car all the way. After chasing for more than a thousand meters, it stood silently on the side of the road and watched the car leave in the distance.

After the dog trainer retired, the dog held the car door and refused to let him leave

It makes people sad to see such a separation. I really hope they can live together forever. In fact, in addition to their daily life, they also participated in tasks such as Jiuzhaigou earthquake search and rescue. They have established feelings for each other during search and rescue operations again and again, and their tacit understanding with each other is unparalleled.

When the dog completes its mission as a search and rescue dog, it will also retire. By then, I don’t know if it can continue to live with Lao Zhang. Veterinarian Xiao Ming believes that no matter whether they meet again in the future, they will miss each other constantly.