British shorthair cats like to do indescribable things even after being neutered!

Pet Story

Cat rice made for the two chuanchuan babies at home on the weekend: mainly beef, followed by chicken breast and salmon, a little less duck meat, and too much Dabao doesn't like it, and half a chicken liver. Added a tablespoon of eggshell powder and 8 taurine powdered into powder. How do you make cat food?

<a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey>british shorthair cat</a>s still like to do indescribable things after being neutered!

Xianshe is a male cat, one year and one month old, silly. Big lazy cat. Mild character. Sister Lanbai is only four days away from turning five months old. She is extremely smart, gentle and quiet. Both babies are my favorites, and it doesn’t matter whether they are in good condition or not. The cat rice made on the weekend is divided into seven portions and frozen. It can be eaten for a week~

British shorthair cats still like to do indescribable things after neutering!

They are so chubby and cute. My big cats and kittens are in very good health. Apart from neutering the big cats, I have not spent any medical expenses~

The British Shorthair cat still likes to do indescribable things after sterilization!

Today’s new cat rice is made with beef, chicken breast, salmon, rabbit meat (I’m a fan of raising rabbits), and chicken liver. 1:1.2:0.4:0.5:0.05, add a spoonful of eggshell powder and 8 taurine powder. Today's quantity is relatively large, so I divided it into portions and froze them for 9 days~

British shorthair cats after neutering still like to do indescribable things!

It has been two months since the big cat Erbao was neutered. He is not a good father-in-law. He is physically disabled and has a strong will. He still likes to do indescribable things with a small coral blanket in his mouth. Everyone says he can do it. My father-in-law will concentrate on eating, drinking and sleeping. Why hasn’t his appetite returned to before he was in heat?

British shorthair cats still like to do indescribable things after being neutered!

My little girl, Meow Tutu, will be 5 months old on the 3rd of this month. Today she weighs 5 pounds and 2 taels. She can eat, sleep and play for a while. A smart and quiet soft girl, with a small head and a fat body, haha, cute~

British shorthair cats still like to do indescribable things after being neutered!

Rabbit is growing up day by day. It is five months and ten days old. Today it weighs 5 pounds and 4 taels. It is so cute. Come before going to bed. I lie down on my back, my sleeping position is too unrestrained. Forgive me for being underage and not knowing what it means to be shameless~

British shorthair cats still like to do indescribable things after being neutered!

The two babies take naps every day~

British shorthair cats still like to do indescribable things after being neutered!

I found that Erbao always had his eyes closed, hahaha, he was either in a coma or about to fall into a coma. This lazy cat actually has some fun and rolling around. What time~

The British Shorthair cat still likes to do indescribable things after sterilization!

Two everyday cuteness~

British shorthair cats still like to do indescribable things after sterilization!

Tutu has such a good personality, I can’t help but chuckle after raising such a baby~