Golden Retriever brought snakes home twice and gave them to his owner as gifts

Pet Story

So cute! This dog actually gives gifts to its owner. Kathy Newlin, a resident from Kansas, has a golden retriever named Scott at home. The little guy brought her an unexpected gift, a 3-foot-long snake. twice in a row.

The golden retriever brought snakes home twice and gave them to his owner as

Scott is only 9 months old Big, just like most pet dogs like to give "gifts" to their owners, it brought a snake home. Casey told the media: "When he first brought the snake to me, the snake was sluggish but still alive. My husband took the snake and released it. But the next day , when I got out of the car, Scott held another snake in his mouth and brought it to me."

Kathy shared the video of the incident on social platforms and has received more than 700,000 of views. One fan commented: "It looks so proud." Another said: "Why are you so calm?"

Golden Retriever brought a snake home twice and gave it to the owner as a

What Scott captured was a common garter snake, a common non-venomous snake. Kathy said the first time Scott showed up with the snake, the snake was still alive and Scott tried to chase her around the yard with the snake. The second time the snake died, and Scott buried it in the garden.

Kathy added: "I don't know if Scott killed the snake. He just held the snake in his mouth and didn't take any violent action. The snake didn't seem to do it either. Bite, I don't know if something happened before Scott found it because part of the snake's tail was missing."

Golden Retriever brought a snake home twice and gave it to the owner as a

Kathy revealed that Scott was adopted by her eight-year-old son, and that they also have a German short-haired dog named Grace at home. . She said: "Dogs are famous for bringing things to their owners. Scott especially likes to bring us firewood and metal, and he also found a lot of bones for us. He even found a skunk and gave it to us. So proud. Scott also likes to chew things and one time he chewed through the wires on my husband's trailer."