I put a sticky mouse board on the ground, and when I came back to look at it after a while, I was so happy that the whole family had to be tidy.

Pet Story

Speaking of rats, I am afraid that no one does not hate them, especially for farmers in the countryside. They not only destroy food, but also carry bacteria and viruses, which is really annoying.

I put a sticky mouse board on the ground. When I looked at it again after a while, I was happy: The family must be neat and tidy.

But mice are very clever and it is generally difficult to catch them. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by a netizen below. Veterinarian Xiao Ming was a little skeptical of the mouse’s IQ.

This netizen lives in the countryside, and there are a lot of mice in his home. Often if one is eliminated today, many more will be found the next day. It is like cutting a weed without eradicating the root, and then the spring breeze will bring new growth. , which makes people feel a headache, but there is nothing they can do except try to eliminate them.

On this day, a netizen bought a sticky mouse board, thinking that he could catch just one of them, but he didn’t have much hope. After all, mice are ghosts and extremely difficult to catch. After he put the sticky mouse board on the ground, he went to do other things. He didn't expect to gain anything much, but when he came back to look at it after a while, he was happy and immediately felt satisfied: the family must be in order. All together.

It turns out that this sticky mouse board has fully played its role, and several mice have been caught. Netizens can’t help but doubt the intelligence of the mice. Usually as long as one is caught, the others will be caught. I won't be fooled again. I don't know what these mice are thinking.

I put a sticky mouse board on the ground. When I looked at it again after a while, I was happy: The family must be neat and tidy.

From the perspective of respecting life, there is nothing wrong with rats themselves, but the fault is that they do steal human food, and we cannot be merciful to them.

We should not be too soft-hearted towards some harmful animals, as the story between the farmer and the snake fully illustrates this point. Some animals have no feelings. Even if you let it go, it will not be grateful to you and will bite you again.

In fact, some people are like this too. No matter how nice you are to him, you may end up with betrayal. So in life, when facing some people who are not worthy of sympathy, don't be too kind. Maybe your kindness will not have a good effect but will be deceived. Save kindness to those who deserve it.