Potatoes turn into sperm, woman discovers potatoes that look like seals

Pet Story

Have you ever seen any strange-looking vegetables? A 40-year-old mother accidentally discovered a potato that looked like a seal and shared it on her social media platform.


On Easter, from Warwickshire Colleen Dorman of Nuneaton prepares lunch for her family. While peeling potatoes, she discovered that one potato looked very similar to a seal pup.

She said: "It was Easter and I got up early to prepare lunch for the children who had not yet woken up. I was still half asleep at the time and then I found it among a pile of vegetables. , I looked and looked at it in amazement. Then I took a picture to show my husband how much it looked like a seal. These potatoes were bought in the supermarket and they were destined to be baked potatoes."


Colleen shared a photo of the potato on social media. This message It received a whopping 97,000 views and more than 2,000 comments. One person commented: "I was scrolling through the news and this made me stop and zoom in!" Another suggested she keep the potato because it was "so cute."