The kitten was bitten to death. In order to save the three kittens, the mother cat occupied the magpie's nest and hid it in the tree.

Pet Story

Oriole is the name of this fat tabby cat. It has been wandering all year round and generally does not like to be in contact with people. Especially after having kittens, it does not want to let its own The child was exposed. The reason why the oriole was discovered by the poop scooper was because of a kitten that unfortunately passed away to the cat star. It was its child, but it was unable to save it.

The scavenger found the dead kitten near her home. Since the kitten could not be saved, she had to bury it in the backyard... Well, Oriole standing in the distance witnessed the whole process. This process. At that time, the scavenger suspected that Oriole was the kitten's mother cat. In addition, she saw that the kitten was bitten to death by some kind of animal, so she was worried about Oriole's other kittens. It’s just that the oriole wasn’t used to getting along with the shit scraper at first. Even if the shit scraper placed delicious cat food near the house every day, it would just eat it and leave.

Generally speaking, if a stray cat mother finds that her kittens are threatened, she will either drive the threat away or hide her kittens in a safer place. Since the oriole did not leave the area, it meant that it had protected the child. Therefore, the scavenger searched for several days but did not find the cat's nest. However, during the few days that the oriole spent with the shit shovel, it gradually got used to the life of having enough to eat every day. It began to appear frequently near the shit shovel's house, and sometimes even climbed to the roof in the middle of the night. Hang out.

However, this also puzzled the scavenger. She always felt that the oriole lived nearby, but she couldn't find the cat's nest. For this reason, the shit shovel officer also tried to track the Oriole several times, but he was discovered by the Oriole every time. It is often difficult to change a person's habits, but sometimes some changes in the surroundings may cause a "disease response" in the habit. After spending almost a week with the oriole, the scavenger did not discover where the cat's nest was. Instead, he discovered that the oriole actually had a "mate" - a tabby cat that was fatter than the oriole.

It was just at this time that the shit shovel officer also noticed something was wrong. It seemed that something was missing in his backyard. To be precise, it was missing the sound of chirping birds. So with the mentality of giving it a try, the shit shovel officer went to the small forest outside the backyard to see if the oriole was doing something strange... As a result, the shit shovel officer bumped into the oriole napping on the tree. Upright. In the past, when the oriole saw the excrement shovel arriving, the oriole would habitually run over and wait for the excrement shovel to feed him. But this time it was different. The oriole did not run towards the shoveler, but burrowed into the dense branches.

At this time, the shit shovel officer naturally knowsWondering what the oriole was doing, she went home and got a ladder, climbed up the tree and took a look. Wasn't it the oriole and three kittens that appeared in front of her? It was surprising that the oriole hid its kittens in a tree, but what was even more surprising was that it actually used a bird's nest as a cat's nest. This also solved another doubt in the mind of the poop shoveler. It turns out that the reason why Oriole often meets her is because the cat's nest is directly opposite her home.

As for why the three kittens have been silent... To be honest, even the poop manager is not very clear. Maybe it's because Oriole doesn't let the children meow (is this possible?), or maybe it's the poop manager. Her ears didn’t work~ Fortunately, the poop shoveler had a good relationship with the oriole. When she rescued the three kittens one by one from the tree, the oriole didn’t show any resistance at all, and actually followed her home. . The Oriole family are all in good physical condition, and it seems that the regular feeding of the pooper is indispensable. If the kitten that unfortunately passed away was still around, the family could continue to live happily together, which is a pity.

What can I say, Oriole is really a smart and responsible cat mother. In order to protect her kittens, she went out of her way to protect her kittens, and finally got the help of a poop scraper. I just don’t know if there are any chicks in the bird’s nest occupied by the oriole. If not, the oriole is considered a “waste utilization”; if there is, the oriole is considered a “dove occupying the magpie’s nest”.