Two strange looking kittens were abandoned, does anyone know what kind of cats they are?

Pet Story

As the number of stray animals continues to grow, more and more people are beginning to advocate: "Domestic pets must be sterilized in time!" Because, from the overall environment, timely sterilization of pets can not only effectively reduce the risk of pets Over-breeding puts additional pressure on officials, and at the same time, it can effectively prevent the new second generation from the source. Therefore, from an overall assessment, it is beneficial and harmless to neuter your pet in time. However, when this initiative falls on individuals, it is very difficult to promote it.

Two strange-looking kittens were abandoned, does anyone know what kind of cats they are?

The boy is at the door of the shop Found an abandoned kitten

First of all, as far as the poop collector is concerned, sterilizing one's own pet will definitely involve an extra expense. One injury. Therefore, many people are not willing to pay this additional expenditure. Secondly, I believe that many people are also looking forward to whether raising pets can bring them an extra income. Pet breeding is obviously the lowest cost and least hindering method for them. Therefore, many people are unwilling to give up the hope of making profits, and thus are unwilling to sterilize them.

This kitten also seems to be very timid

Of course, in addition to this, many people are worried about them or their own abilities. Blind confidence. Thinking that they have enough ability to raise more pets, or that they can reduce the possibility of them breeding by relying on their own restraints. It's just that those who overestimate their own abilities will soon be slapped in the face by these cats and dogs. In particular, as more and more pet breeders are engaged in pet breeding, and a large number of kittens and puppies are difficult to sell every year, it is undoubtedly difficult to find buyers for the kittens and puppies bred by individuals. more difficult.

The little brother found another kitten in the corner of the store

These kittens and puppies that are difficult to sell and difficult to give away often become these people. A burden afterwards. However, it is extremely difficult for many ordinary people to even raise a cat or dog, let alone the increasing number of them. As a result, as some people gradually began to be unable to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of them, stray animals also followed. Moreover, a large number of unsterilized stray animals soon reproduced again after losing their artificial restraints, giving rise to The surrounding ecological environment has brought greater damage...

The little brother put the two kittens together

YesA kind-hearted guy who often rescues stray animals, because he often takes in some stray animals on weekdays. As time goes by, the number of stray animals that he takes in increases. At the door of his shop or the house where he lives, In the neighborhood, it is inevitable that some people will leave the kittens and puppies that they do not want to keep and are difficult to get rid of at my brother's place. Although the little brother was helpless with such a result, and the pressure increased with the increase in the number of stray animals taken in, he still persisted knowing that giving up them meant giving up their lives. , take them in as much as possible, and then try to help them find a kind person who is willing to take them in...

Both kittens are very timid

On this day, this When the boy returned to the shop, he found two abandoned kittens at the door of his shop again. However, the appearance of these two kittens is somewhat beyond my expectation. Because, on weekdays, most of what I receive are domestic cats and dogs. But this time, the two kittens at the door of my shop were obviously different from the previous ones. However, when I observed the appearance of the cats, I could not find similar breeds among several common cat breeds. I also had difficulties before taking them in.

Two strange-looking kittens were abandoned, does anyone know what kind of cats they are?

Both kittens are Very nice

Because, in my impression, those pet cats are usually taken in by someone, and these two kittens are not bad looking either. I was worried that the cats might have been forgotten by someone, so I didn’t dare to take them away easily. However, after waiting at the door of the store for a long time, the little brother never found the person who came to look for them. In desperation, the little brother could only keep them in the store first. After that, after a day of business, the little brother still couldn't wait for anyone to come over and look for them. At this time, the little brother was sure that they had been abandoned. So, the little brother then took them back to his stray animal rescue base.

My brother fed the kittens food, but the cats did not dare to eat it.

After taking the cats back, because my brother did not have good cat food to feed them, I After much searching, the little brother could only find some meat to feed them. However, for some reason, when the two kittens faced the meat given to them by their brother, not only did they not eat it, but they huddled up in a ball very timidly and uneasily. Seeing that the cats wanted to eat but were scared, I didn’t know what to do for a while. I could only hope that after the cats’ emotions stabilized, they could slowly adapt to it, and then meet someone who loves them in the future.People, take them home...