I opened the box and found that the apple was missing a bite. I was about to get angry, but when I saw it clearly, I was so cute.

Pet News

The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Everyone should have prepared the New Year’s goods by now, right? I have bought boxes of apples and oranges, etc., just waiting to take them out to taste when someone comes to visit me for New Year greetings.

However, it’s best to take out all the fruits and check them out in advance to prevent any bad fruits so that you can settle the accounts with the merchant in time. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by this netizen below. It’s so interesting.

I opened the box and found that the apple was missing a bite. I was about to get angry, but I was cute after seeing it clearly.

This netizen bought a box of apples online. As for why he chose to shop online, it was of course because it was cheaper. After receiving the apples, netizens planned to open the box to see if there were any bad apples.

Just after opening the box, netizens saw at a glance that one of the apples had a big hole missing, as if it had been bitten by someone. So the netizen was about to get angry and go to the seller to settle the score, but then he saw clearly I was speechless at the end, and was so cute

I opened the box and found that the apple was missing a bite. I was about to get angry, but when I saw it clearly, I got cute.

It turns out that the apples were not stuffed in by the merchants, but were dug out by our own corgis who dug a hole next to the box and gnawed them out with their dog's mouth! Good guy, the owner hasn’t eaten this apple yet, but the dog is enjoying it first.

Hahahahaha, the veterinarian Xiao Ming thought that this Corgi was quite smart. He probably knew that his legs were short and could not reach it, so he came up with this method. Is it okay to eat it secretly like this?

The Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer, but veterinarian Xiao Ming still doesn’t feel much of the New Year. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve grown up, or if it’s because people’s awareness of celebrating the New Year is getting weaker and weaker, and I always feel that celebrating the New Year is meaningless.

I opened the box and found that the apple was missing a bite. I was about to get angry, but when I saw it clearly, I was so cute. , you can wear new clothes, eat delicious food, and now that you are making money, it seems that the things you wanted to buy during the New Year can now be bought at any time. Maybe it is because of this that you can't feel that kind of happiness? So, It is better to be a child, easily satisfied and contented. Unlike now, it is too difficult to be happy, or this is the trouble of growing up.</p><p>Veterinarian Xiao Ming’s popular science: Corgi’s stomach is not very good , so owners need to pay attention to the diet they feed, and at the same time pay attention to nutritional supplements. If many dogs lack some trace elements, they will develop pica and may eat grass. < /p><p>Corgi hair loss is relatively serious. It is said that they lose hair twice a year and once for half a year. It is recommended that the dog owners comb their hair at home. This will also help promote the bond between the main pets. Emotions. Corgis generally have high energy, so owners need to take them out for walks frequently, but be sure to fasten the leash.</p> 
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