Bees entered a woman's home on the 13th floor and a huge hive was built within half an hour! Netizens warn it’s dangerous

Pet Story

A video of "Bee Attack" in Quzhou, Zhejiang recently attracted the attention of netizens. In the video, a homeowner's kitchen is bathed in a horrifyingly large hive of bees. The homeowner had no choice but to accept the arrival of bees. She saw bees in and out of the room from time to time, but she thought it was actually quite interesting and didn't want to get rid of them yet.

Bees entered a woman's home on the 13th floor, and a huge hive was built within half an hour! Netizens warned that it is very dangerous.

According to Ms. Wang said that her family lived on the 13th floor, and bees had been visiting her kitchen since she didn’t know when. At first there were only a few dozen, but within half an hour there were thousands. Sometimes bees fly into the kitchen, and Ms. Wang is very careful to avoid unnecessary contact with them.

Fortunately, the homeowner was not stung seriously. He was just stung by a bee while feeding honey. Although many people would be afraid or horrified by such a situation, Ms. Wang has a different view. She thinks it is an interesting experience and has not considered getting rid of the bees for the time being.

In fact, such a phenomenon is not uncommon in ecosystems. Bees are an important pollinator and play an integral role in human agriculture. Some studies have shown that crop yields in many areas are directly affected by the number of bees, and the extensive use of chemicals such as pesticides will damage their living environment and health.

Although Ms. Wang’s behavior is not common, it can be understood as an expression of respecting nature and protecting the ecology. In our daily lives, how to live in harmony with animals and plants and protect the environment and ecology is a question that each of us needs to think deeply about. We should respect and understand the laws of nature, protect animals and plants and their living space, and jointly create a beautiful ecological environment.