Being born with a disability, it can never return to its former home. Little brother, he doesn’t want me to accompany you.

Pet Story

As people's pace of life becomes faster and faster, more and more people are beginning to regard keeping pets as a way to relieve their emotions. Especially, as more and more people see some beautiful clips of people’s lives after raising pets on the Internet, this desire in their hearts becomes stronger. In this mood, when people find that they can easily afford the cost of acquiring a pet, and these cats and dogs often appear around them, it is inevitable that someone will buy them out of love for them. I took them back very impulsively.

He is born with a disability and can never go back to his former home. Little brother: He doesn't want me to accompany you

The little brother came to the scene and met the puppy smoothly

However, although it is simple to take them home, raising them is not as casual as people think. In particular, with the introduction of civilized pet raising into the law, raising pets is no longer just a personal hobby. If you want to keep them for a long time, you need to do more than just take them home and give them a bite to eat. It's so simple as a shelter from the wind and rain. Many times, when raising them, people also need to give them a long-term and stable living environment, and the environment in which they are raised needs to be recognized by most people. And this is obviously not something that can be done easily.

The little brother carefully checks the condition of the dogs

Of course, in addition to these preliminary preparations, there will also be many surprises in the process of raising them. After you bring them home, as time goes by, their appearance will change to a certain extent, their eating habits and lifestyle will also change to a certain extent, and various accidents will also occur. Therefore, in the process of raising them, it is actually a great test of the owners' understanding of them, and in many cases, they are required to have enough love and responsibility.

The little brother picked up the puppy in distress

But in reality, not every poop shoveler will have such a consciousness. After all, for most people, pets are just playthings that provide them with fun. When people discovered that there would be so much trouble in the process of raising them. Especially when they become sick and injured, they need to pay expensive expenses and take a lot of time and energy to take care of them. After all, there are only a few people who can persist for more than ten or even twenty years. Therefore, it is not Without cats and dogs, they will become homeless when they need their owners most.Wandering animals...

He who was born with a disability can never go back to his former home, little brother: He doesn't want me to accompany you

The little brother took the puppy to the pet hospital

There is a kind brother in Liaoning who often rescues stray animals. On this day, this little brother received a call from a local Help information from kind-hearted netizens. A netizen informed me that he found a puppy in a local square. Because he didn't know the condition of the puppy, the netizen did not dare to move it easily after discovering it. He could only wait in place, hoping that its owner would show up and take it home. However, netizens have not been able to find the owner of the dog after waiting for a long time. Therefore, netizens who were worried that there might be something wrong with the dog quickly informed him about the dog's situation after learning that he often rescued stray animals.

This puppy still looks very cute

After receiving the help message from the netizen, the little brother immediately took his companion and rushed to the scene according to the address provided by the netizen. By the time the little brother arrived at the scene, the sky was slowly getting dark. But this did not affect the brother's determination to save the puppy at all. When the brother and his companions came to the scene and successfully saw the puppy under the guidance of netizens, the dog's condition had already been placed in a foam box. When the brother and his companions approached, the dog was When I picked it up, I immediately noticed that the puppy was extremely small, and there seemed to be something wrong with its hind legs.

The pet doctor is going to take pictures of it

However, because this is a pet dog, and the dog appeared in a square, the little brother considered that this might be The puppy was accidentally lost, so he was not taken away immediately. Instead, after seeing the puppy, he took it to a nearby residential area to ask if anyone knew the puppy or could help it find its owner. However, after searching for it, no one from the nearby residents claimed it. Because its owner could not be found, the little brother took the puppy directly to the pet hospital because he was worried that the dog's legs were injured and that if the dog was delayed for too long, it might cause other problems.

He is born with a disability and can never go back to his former home. Little brother: He doesn’t want me to accompany you.

The dog's X-ray results showed that one of its front legs was broken

After arriving at the pet hospital, the pet doctor was checking the dog's physical condition , and found that one of the puppy's forelimbs was always raised, which looked a little abnormal. In order to confirm whether there was any damage to the dog's bones, the veterinarian then took a X-ray examination of the puppy. After waiting for a while, the pet doctor informed the little brother with the results of the X-ray that the puppy's forelimbs were fractured and its hind legs were congenitally disabled. And these are probably the main reasons why its owner abandoned it...

The dog happily ate the food and water prepared by the little brother

At the same time, the pet doctor was After examining the dog's leg injuries, they also conducted relevant examinations on the dog's teeth. After the examination was completed, the pet doctor told the brother that based on the wear and tear of the dog's teeth, they concluded that the puppy's age was about At about 7 months. However, it is obviously extremely difficult for such a puppy to find an owner again. Despite this, after learning about the dog's condition, the little brother looked at the innocent-looking puppy and firmly promised it: "He doesn't want you anymore, we will accompany you!"