Can an adult lioness beat a larger male leopard? Why?

Pet Story

Leopards are the most miserable big cats. In Asia, their habitats overlap with tigers. Due to the huge size difference, leopards will be killed by tigers if they are not careful.

Can an adult lioness beat a larger male leopard? Why?

And in another leopard On the African continent, which has a larger population, its life is not easy. Its habitat also highly overlaps with the distribution of another "big brother" in the cat family, the lion. In addition to being larger than the leopard, the lion has They are also social animals. In nature, animals obviously do not have "martial ethics", for example.

In December 2021, in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in South Africa, an infrared camera placed by the staff captured a scene of a pride of lions showing "no martial ethics". A hunting group consisting of 12 lionesses The team went out hunting. When passing through a bush area, they spotted a figure in the bush. Yes, it was an adult African leopard. In fact, it saw a pride of lions from a distance, so it hid in the bush where the cat was. Avoid conflicts with lions in the jungle.

However, the most common concealment method used by leopards when encountering lions has a flaw this time. Seeing the lions locking their eyes on themselves, the leopard quickly sprang out of the bushes, but it could not What we know is that 12 lionesses have blocked all its ways out, and the leopard is soon surrounded in the middle. In order to prevent the other party from sneak attacks, the leopard uses the best tricks of cats to save their lives when facing powerful enemies. " Lying on the ground and punching".

Can an adult lioness beat a larger male leopard? Why?

By constantly opening her mouth and roaring And kicking its limbs, the leopard was not killed instantly, but soon with the attack of a lioness, all the lions pressed up and tore the leopard into pieces within a few minutes.

In Africa, in addition to lions that can threaten leopards, spotted hyenas, known as the "African second brother", are also one of the biggest threats to leopards. This is because although adult spotted hyenas are smaller in size than Leopards are comparable, but leopards are solitary animals and spotted hyenas are social animals. Therefore, when leopards encounter a group of hyenas, they will either lose their prey or be killed. Therefore, leopards have noLife is difficult whether in Asia or Africa.

Okay, let’s get down to business. A group of female lions can kill an adult leopard instantly. So if it is a female lion, can it also kill a male leopard? We might as well find the answer from the size differences and interaction records of the two animals.

In nature, the law of the jungle is the main theme here. There is no mercy here. Although cats rarely eat the meat of carnivores, they will actively hunt other carnivores in their habitat, which is to reduce It is a means of competition, and neither male nor female leopards can fight in front of a lioness twice their size.

However, it is worth mentioning that although leopards "survive in the cracks", their overall number in Africa is more than that of lions (more than 50,000 vs. about 20,000). This requires This is attributed to the leopard's active avoidance and arboreal habits.